


    7 Days Hotel’s Network Marketing Strategy Research

    Abstract: Fast hotel industry is one of the most quickly developed industry in recent years in China,it is in a fierce competition. The Internet marketing is developing with the quick progress of Internet.Network marketing uses the Internet as a platform,resorting relatively low marketing costs to achieve more effective marketing results. So the research of how does quick hotel industry effectively use the network marketing strategy to enhance the competitiveness is especially important.This text uses the method of theoretical analysis and case studying,takes  the Seven Days Hotel as an example to research it’s environment and current situation of the implementation of network marketing strategy.As a conclusion,there are such problems like insufficient of it’s website construction,singleness of marketing model ,too much dependence on third parties and so on.On the basis of this,in combination with related researches,we can put forward some targeted improvement strategies such as perfecting the website construction,enterprising marketing mode innovation,strengthening the network integrated marketing,strengthening the management of marketing channels and so on. 

    Key words: Fast Hotel; Internet Marketing; Marketing Strategy

    目    录   

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、网络营销及其策略综述 2

    (一)网络营销概念及其特点 2

    (二)网络营销的功能与优势 3

    (三)网络营销策略概述 4

    二、7天连锁酒店实施网络营销策略的环境分析 4

    (一)酒店简介 4

    (二)外部环境分析 5

    (三)内部环境分析 7

    三、 7天连锁酒店网络营销现有策略分析 8

    (一)现有网络营销策略 8

    (二)网络营销策略中存在的问题 10

    四、7天连锁酒店网络营销提升策略 11

    (一)完善自身网站建设 11

    (二)创新企业营销模式 11

    (三)强化网络整合营销 12

    (四)加强自身营销渠道的开发与管理 12

    (五)提升酒店的网络营销意识 12

    参考文献 14

    致谢 15


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