


    Analysis on the Reason of Lack of Trust in Network Recruitment

    Abstract: In recent years, the development of network invite applications for a job in the job market accounted for the proportion is more and more, network recruitment of dishonest behavior has emerged, appeared a lot of false information, recruiters and candidates to problems. Recruitment of dishonest behaviors are fictional recruitment information, contributed to the trap of the contract hire information, caused by task trap and disclosure of information of to apply for a job. Applicants of dishonest behaviors are fictional recruiting materials, resulting in default interview, caused by a breach of contract. For these acts of bad faith, and the causes are analyzed, the main reasons of social credit culture, integrity and cultural reasons of network and sides of their own reasons, the proposed solutions, such as take Build public information platform, universities and enterprises to implement the training education model, strengthen social integrity and cultural education network integrity.

    Key words: Network Recruitment; Lack Of Trust; Reason Analysis

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、相关理论的概述 2

    (一)网络招聘的定义 2

    (二)研究的相关理论基础 2

    二、网络招聘中招聘方信任缺失的表现 4

    (一)企业虚假招聘信息 4

    (二)企业促成合同陷阱 5

    (三)企业造成任务陷阱 6

    (四)企业泄露求职信息 6

    三、网络招聘中求职者信任缺失的表现 6

    (一)求职者虚构应聘材料 6

    (二)求职者造成面试违约 7

    (三)求职者造成合同违约 7

    四、网络招聘信任缺失的原因分析 8

    (一)社会诚信文化缺失 8

    (二)网络诚信教育缺失 8

    (三)招聘方诚信缺失 9

    (四)应聘者诚信缺失 9

    五、网络招聘信任缺失的解决策略 11

    (一)加强社会诚信文化的建设 11

    (二)加强网络诚信文化的教育 11

    (三)搭建公共信息平台 12

    (四)提高个人自身素质 13


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