


    Research on the problems and Countermeasures of property service enterprise staff recruitment

    Abstract:In the current rapid development of knowledge economy era,more and more managers are aware of the importance of talents,and enterprise competition is the talent competition,so enterprises in the recruitment process also to personnel have higher requirements.In this paper,through the analysis of the status quo, recruitment process and channel of personnel recruitment,we found that the existing staff recruitment of property service companies in China some problems,for example,recruiters are not professional,in the recruitment of former no posts were fully understand,recruitment process,lack of planning,recruitment channel is single.In view of these situation,enterprises should strengthen the professional degree of the recruitment of staff,according to human resources planning and job analysis work manual,choose the appropriate recruitment channela and series of measures to ensure the recruitment effectiveness,let the realty service enterprise in the indefectible position in the future competition.  

    Key Word:Property services companies;Personnel recruitment;countermeasure

    目     录  

    摘  要 4

    Abstract 4

    一、物业服务企业人员招聘的相关理论综述 5

    (一)企业人员招聘的概念 5

    (二)人员招聘的流程 5

    (三)人员招聘的渠道 6

    二、国内物业服务企业人员招聘的现状 8

    三、我国物业服务企业人员招聘面临的主要问题 10

    (一)在人员招聘过程中招聘人员的不专业 10

    (二)人员招聘缺乏规划,对岗位没有全面的认识 10

    (三)招聘工作安排不合理,缺乏科学规范的实施过程 11

    (四)求全能型人才,脱离实际 11

    (五)招聘方法单一,难以保证效果 11

    四、针对物业服务企业人员招聘问题应采取的对策 12

    (一)对企业中负责招聘的人员进行培训,同时采取多种招聘方式 12

    (二)做好人力资源规划以及岗位分析 13

    (三)制定合理的招聘标准 13

    (四)在人员招聘过程中量体裁衣,寻找企业需要的人才 14

    (五)规范招聘程序,选择适当的招聘渠道 14


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