


      Brand building research of Career International

    Abstract: In today's society, a business if you want to keep ahead in the intense competition in the market, we must to the enterprise to establish their own brands, in order to build up a strong brand, because only the strong brand, to remain not fall in the market, brand strategy has become various enterprises winning a magic weapon. Of course for large enterprises, their hands hold industry in a lot of resources, so the overall strength are relatively leading, therefore create brand building is relatively easy, "headhunting industry in China has developed the 20 years, foreign companies into China in a large number, the local search also in rapid increase. However, compared to foreign headhunting, Cree, the 20 years development history of nothing, they have many hundred years of history, so the Cree international has a lot to learn. Through the theoretical study of the brand building and brand building, we make an analysis on the brand building of CREE, to find out the way of the development of his personality brand.

    Key Words:Brand, current situation analysis, brand building, communication strategy


    一、引言 - 1 -

    (一)研究背景 - 1 -

    (二)研究意义 - 1 -

    (三)研究方法 - 2 -

    二、品牌和品牌建设相关理论综述 - 3 -

    (一)品牌的概念 - 3 -

    (二)品牌构成要素 - 4 -

    (三)品牌构建体系 - 5 -

    (四)品牌资产管理 - 6 -

    三、科锐国际的品牌建设现状分析 - 7 -

    (一)科锐国际公司简介 - 7 -

     (二)科锐国际的品牌状况 - 8 -

    (三)科锐国际品牌建设的SWOT分析 - 9 -

    四、科锐国际的品牌构建 - 13 -

    (一)科锐国际的品牌策略选择 - 13 -

    (二)科锐国际的品牌定位 - 14 -

    (三)品牌的个性特征 - 16 -

    (四)科锐国际的品牌传播策略 - 16 -

    五、总结 - 19 -

    参考文献 - 20 -

    致谢 - 22-



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