

    毕业论文关键词:网络团购 起源 发展现状 模式 问题 建议

     Network group purchase mode analysis and Suggestions for improvement

    Abstract: Since 2010 the first group in China, the network group purchase this new type of consumption pattern is gradually penetrating into people's life. Today, the market has been facing a rapid expansion, assets restructuring, crazy crazy layoffs, because of these crazy moves, a large number of enterprises were eliminated. Through constant shuffling of the market, group-buying websites in China is no longer a pure mode of another, but to start their new operating model, many sites out of its own unique development path. This article describes the origins of the network buy, the development status, characteristics, highlighting local life service and in-kind class of these two models, combining with the current mainstream sites of the two kinds of model is analyzed, this paper expounds the problems of the two modes, and puts forward some suggestions.

    Key Words:network group,origin,development status, model,  problem,  suggestion

    目 录

    一、 引言 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究目的 1

    二、网络团购概述 2

    (一)网络团购的定义 2

     (二) 网络团购的特征 2

    (三)网络团购的本质 3

    三、网络团购的发展现状 4

    (一)我国网络团购的起源 4

    (二)我国团购市场的发展现状 4

    四、 网络团购的主要模式形式及问题分析 5

    (一)本地生活服务类模式 5

     (二) 本地生活服务类团购模式问题 9

    (三)实物类模式 9

    (四)实物类团购模式问题 12

    五、现有团购模式问题的建议 12

    (一)必须建立当地的BD(Business Development)团队 12

    (二)提升内部优化,吸引投资商 12

    (三)明确品牌定位 13

    (四)选择合适的物流体系 13

    六、 结束语 13

    参考文献 15




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