
    摘  要:二十世纪八十年代以来,我国会展业以年均近20%的速度递增,行业经济效益逐年攀升, 现已成为国民经济的助推器和新亮点。南京为江苏省省会城市,区位条件优越,会展经济发展势头强劲,在政府的重视下,会展业已成为了南京重点发展产业之一。而会展参展商,作为重要的会展主体,其介入是展览得以运转的关键,于会展价值链中处于核心地位,其影响效力不容小觑。本文以南京为例,选取两处国际性展览中心,立足于会展参展商的角度,对其满意度进行研究,通过问卷调查的方法,运用指标体系构建结构方程模型,结合Amos软件,进行因子分析,最终对影响参展商满意度的因子进行测评,并提出相关意见进行改进,以提升会展参展商的满意度,进而加强了其参展的决策行为,无形中也增强了南京会展业的经济发展以及竞争力的提升。52263


    Abstract:Since the nineteen eighties, China's exhibition industry at an average annual rate of nearly 20% annually, the industry economic benefits increased year by year, the field has become a booster and a new bright spot of the national economy. Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu Province, geographical condition is superior, the momentum of development of exhibition economy is strong, in the government's attention, the exhibition has become the key industry of Nanjing. The exhibition exhibitors, the exhibition as an important subject, which is the key to operate in exhibition, the exhibition value chain at the core, the impact should not be underestimated. This paper takes Nanjing as an example, selects two international exhibition center, based on the exhibition exhibitors angle, conducts the research to its satisfaction, through the questionnaire survey method, using the index system construction of structural equation model, combined with Amos software, factor analysis, the factor to affect the exhibitors satisfaction evaluation, and puts forward some opinions improvement, in order to promote the exhibition exhibitors satisfaction, so as to strengthen the participation decision behavior, but also enhance the economic development of Nanjing exhibition industry and competitiveness.

    Keywords:Exhibition , Exhibitioner , satisfaction , SEM


    1引言 4

    1.1 研究背景 4

    1.2 研究综述 5

    1.3 研究目的与意义 9

    1.4 南京市会展概况 9

    2调查方法与过程 10

    2.1 调查方法 10

    2.1 调查过程 10

    3南京市会展参展商满意度指标体系构建 11

    3.1构建依据 11

    3.2构建过程 11

    4南京市会展参展商满意度测评与分析 12

    4.1 问卷的信度分析 12

    4.2 描述性统计分析 13

    4.3 因子分析 15

    4.4 结构方程模型分析 17

    5有关提升南京市会展参展商满意度的几点建议 21

    5.1 在专业接待方面 21

    5.2 在后台管理 21

    5.3 在展馆设施上 21

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