    关键词:橡塑; 环境影响评价; 预测; 现状
    The Environmental Impact Assessment of Rubber And Plastic Plant
    Abstract:With the technology and market demand, rubber and plastics are widely used in automobile tires and packaging. The present and predicted evaluations of environmental impact assessment  are obtained on the monitoring data of rubber and plastic plant by field survey , judging whether the data consistent with the environmental quality standards and the impact on the surrounding residents within zone 2.5km. Environmental impact assessment judging the rubber and plastic plant mainly from four aspects: the atmosphere, surface water, noise and solid waste. The main pollutants in the atmosphere is SO2, NO2, soot, PM10 and non-methane hydrocarbons, using Gauss model to predict the effects of pollutants on the surrounding. The main pollutants in  surface water should response by pH, CODcr, BOD5, ammonia nitrogen pollution , using S-P (oxygen -reoxygenation) model to predict the the influence of sewage into the HuiBei river. The main noise is generated by machines in  the plant can get  by the superposition formula of equivalent continuous sound level A. Solid waste is mainly pided into ordinary solid wastes and toxic solid waste, while the  toxic solid waste is handled by professionals.
    Key words:rubber and plastic ; environmental impact assessment ; prediction; present

    目       录
    1 总论    1
    1.1  前言    1
    1.2  编制依据    2
    1.2.1  环境保护法律法规    3
    1.2.2  环境保护技术规范    4
    1.3  评价对象    4
      1.4  评价背景    4
      1.5  评价目的    6
    1.6  评价等级与评价范围    7
      1.7  评价因子及评价标准    7
    1.7.1  环境质量标准    7
        1.7.2  污染物排放标准    7
    1.7.3  环境功能区的划分    10
    1.8  评价内容    10
    1.8.1  环境内容划分    10
    1.8.2  评价重点    11
    1.9  污染物防治及环境保护目标    11
    1.9.1  污染防治目标    11
    1.9.2  敏感对象及环境保护目标    11

    2 工程分析    13
    2.1  相关产业政策分析    13
    2.1.1  橡胶产业    13
    2.1.2  塑料产业    13
    2.2  生产工艺流程及污染因素分析    13
    2.2.1  生产工艺流程图    13
    2.2.2  污染因素分析与评价因子筛选    14
    2.3  评价因子筛选    15
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