    摘要:  近年来,随着我国大学生心理健康教育的逐步开展,大学生社会支持引起了广大心理学工作者的重视。大学生是一特殊的群体,正处于价值观、人生观形成期。随着竞争的加剧,大学生面临着更大的压力。当代大学生大多都没有意识到社会支持系统的重要性,也缺乏改善自己社会支持系统的途径,多数大学生的社会支持系统来自家人和朋友,而当大代学生在校园生活中都是以寝室为小团体进行活动,导致社会支持系统的匮乏。大学生社会支持不仅是大学生心理健康教育的有效途径,同时也是大学生自身文护心理健康的重要手段。
    关键词:  社会支持系统;大学生;调查与分析;
    Social Support Survey and Analysis System

    Abstract: In recent years, with the gradual development of students' psychological health education, Social Support aroused the attention of the majority of psychologists. College students are a special group, is in the values, attitudes formation. As competition intensifies, college students are facing greater pressure. Most of the contemporary college students do not realize the importance of the social support system, the lack of a way to improve their social support system, the majority of college students social support from family and friends, and when the students in the campus life to the bedroom for small groups activities, resulting in a lack of social support systems. Social Support is not only an effective way of Mental Health Education, but also the students themselves an important means of maintaining mental health.
    In this study, questionnaires were gender, grade, student category and students to several aspects to analyze students' social support systems, as well as through interviews from inpiduals, schools and families to analyze the impact of environmental aspects of students' social support system factors, to help students understand the reasons for the lack of social support systems, provide recommendations to improve students' social support systems, so that students can better understand and use social support.

    Keywords: social support systems; college students; investigation and analysis


    一、研究背景    1
    二、文献综述    2
    (一) 相关概念的界定    2
    1、 社会支持系统定义    2
    2、 社会支持的分类    4
    3、 社会支持的测量    5
    (二)、 国内外对大学生社会支持的研究现状    7
    1、 国外的研究    7
    2、 国内的研究    8
    三、研究方法    9
    (一)、 研究对象    9
    (二)、 研究工具    9
    (三)、 施测程序    10
    1、 问卷调查    10
    2、 访谈调查    10
    四、数据分析    10
    (一)、 样本的基本情况    10
    (二)、 研究结果与分析    11
    1、 年级与大学生社会支持情况    11
    2、 学生类别与大学生社会支持情况    12
    3、 性别与大学生社会支持情况    12
    4、 生源地与大学生社会支持情况    13
    (三)、影响大学生社会支持的因素    13
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