


    Abstract: Career adaptability is the inpidual able to adapt to changing professional environment to solve practical problems in the professional development needed to have a series of special abilities, including " interpersonal skills ", " learning and development capabilities" , "emotion regulation " , "organization integration capabilities " and " occupation transformation capabilities " of five capabilities, but also related to development of enterprises, so regardless of the inpidual or organization has a very important practical significance. Given the localization measurement tool has not yet suitable for China's situation , even if widely recognized and professional suitability scale international version adopted by the Chinese version of the measure and test indexes in mainland China , there are significant problems, so this study qualitative research methods, " the main problem of inpidual career development process faces " and the " solve these problems need to have the ability to " two issues , based on the subjects of employees through structured interviews and open-ended questionnaire , were the subject of the original statement of inductive generalization and classification , and then combined with expert discussions to determine the dimensions measuring career adaptability , thereby preparing a corporate employee career adaptability localization measurement tools , and construct validity of the scale was tested .

    Keywords:Career adaptability,  Interpersonal communication,  Learning and development,    Organization integration,  Career transformation 

    目   录

    1 前言 4

    2 初试量表的编制 6

    2.1测量模型的维度建构与界定 6

    2.2 项目编写与测量形式的确定 8

    2.3 量表试测与预测 9

    2.4 初测量表数据分析 11

    2.4.1项目分析 11

    3正式量表的确定及测量学指标检验 17

    3.1正式施测样本构成 17

    3.2 信度检验 18

    3.3 效度检验 18

    4 讨论 21

    5 结  论 22


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