摘要: 我国目前在大力实施文化“走出去”战略,但文化企业在走出去的过程中遇到许多问题,例如如何更好地开展本土化策略,解决文化差异等问题。贝塔斯曼是文化企业中的传媒大亨。它诞生在德国,如今足迹遍布西欧、美国。拥有成功跨国经营经验。通过剖析贝塔斯曼“走出去”的成功经验和失败教训,我们得出:贝塔斯曼的营销策略使用的较为恰当,“书友会”制度免去中间环节,在很多个国家有市场;本土化策略的实行,使贝塔斯曼跨出本国之后,真正地落地,贴近进入国的人民,从而有更好的效果。我国的文化企业在跨国经营的时候,也要更深入地去研究目标国的文化政策;贯彻落实本土化战略,重视文化差异带来的影响。68774
毕业论文关键词: 贝塔斯曼;跨国经营;文化企业;
Research on Bertelsmann 's Multinational Operation Strategy
Abstract: China' government pays attention to developing "going out" policy, and now China's cultural enterprises in the process of going out to encounter many problems, such as how to carry out localization strategies to address cultural differences and other issues. Bertelsmann is a media tycoon in the cultural business, a few years ago was the world's top 500, with more than 100 years of history. It was born in Germany, now footprints throughout Western Europe to the United States. We have come to the conclusion: Bertelsmann's marketing strategy is very appropriate, "book club" system eliminates the intermediate links, and the "book club" system, In many countries it is popular; the implementation of localization strategy makes Bertelsmann close to the people into the country, and have better results. To our Chinese cultural enterprises to provide reference: China's cultural enterprises should be more in-depth study of the target country's cultural policy; to implement the localization strategy, and attach importance to the impact of cultural differences in the transnational business,
Keywords: Bertelsmann; Multinational Operation Strategy; cultural enterprises;
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目录 iv
绪论 1
一 贝塔斯曼发展简史 2
(一)单一的图书出版作坊(1835-1920) 2
(二)现代出版企业(1921-1946) 2
(三)多元媒体帝国(1947—至今) 2
二 贝塔斯曼跨国经营的两大战略 4
(一)“书友会”的营销策略 4
(二)本土化的经营模式 6
三 对中国文化企业走出去的启示意义 9
(一)深入研究异国的相关政策 10
(二)“入乡随俗”——本土化策略 10
(三)重视文化差异 11
结语 13
致谢 14
参考文献 15
我国是一个文化古国,拥有五千多年的历史。以“天下情怀”与“和谐理念”为内核和神韵的中国文化,也孕育了发展文化产业的深厚土壤。近年来,我国的经济在不断高速发展,文化产业的发展也越来越快,我国在文化产业“走出去”上也积累了丰富的经验和成果,这是可喜的进步,然而,不可否认的是,国文化企业“走出去”的问题多多:体制环境需要优化;“走出去”的平台薄弱、渠道狭窄;“走出去”品牌、产品、服务缺乏竞争力;在应对国际争端、处理国际规则的能力也有待提升。 我国文化企业亟待相关政策、法律、人才等方面的更加有力、切实可行的措施。