Abstract:Theme park is a kind of cultural experience product, which can provide entertainment. Brand marketing is effective means to independent of other products in the market. Tourists' perception of brand value determines the quality of the theme park, have an impact on market competitiveness. This paper based on the characteristics of tourists perception of Changzhou theme park brand image, brand tangible elements, transmission, brand value and other aspects of analysis, elaborate marketing strategy ,study on tourists' perception of the brand value of influence and the interrelationship between them. Refinement of tourism product design, brand marketing channel optimization, make a scientific and rational marketing strategy, build an excellent theme park brand marketing system to help enhance the brand value of the theme park.
Keywords: Theme park, Tourist perception, Brand, Marketing Strategy
1前言 4
2中国主题公园品牌营销现状 4
2·1国内主题公园发展历程及品牌化趋势 4
2·2国内主题公园品牌营销面临的问题与挑战 5
2·3对国外主题公园品牌营销的借鉴 6
3游客对常州主题公园品牌营销要素感知情况分析 7
3·1被调查对象基本情况分析 7
3·2常州主题公园品牌有形要素感知分析 9
3·3游客对常州主题公园品牌营销情况感知分析 11
4游客感知对常州主题公园品牌营销的影响 13
4·1游客感知与主题公园品牌营销的互动关系 13
4·2游客在营销过程中产生的品牌价值感知差距 14
5常州主题公园品牌营销策略分析 16
5·1项目创新提升品牌吸引力 16
5·2丰富节假日特色活动加强品牌效益 17
5·3强势宣传,打响品牌知名度 17
5·4新型品牌销售方式,博取眼球 18
5·5借力政府,促进品牌营销 18
5·6注重品牌衍生 19
6主题公园品牌营销策略建议 19
6·1缩短游客价值感知差距,提升品牌力 19
6·2注重创新,独辟蹊径 20
6·3加强经营者对品牌的管理能力 21