    关键词: 社区养老; 人口老龄化; 独居老人
    Research of Elderly people living alone in Shanghai Community Aged Care Service System
    Abstract: With the rapid development of China's social and economic, modernization process has been quickened. At the same time, it also brings a series of problems to be solved, such as the aging of the population increased. At present, the number of aging population in various regions of China Town is increasing. But the development of pension service has failed to be consistent with the more perse needs of the elderly. Resulting in many older people in their old age’s pension life can not be effectively protected. In today's international trend of an aging population, more and more scholars and researchers are concerned about Community Services for the Aged. For our country, it is a important issue for how to use of existing resources effectively, and learn for the successful experience of other countries' pension measures to establish an effective mechanism and theoretical system to address aging problem. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore and innovative models of community care services,identifying inadequacies of China's current pension service system through literature research and empirical surveys and other methods. Then bring forward the following improvements and suggestions for improvement: First, strengthen the publicity and education of elderly community care services. Second, improve the government's attention and responsibility. Third, increase comfort and mental health care of the elderly. Forth, enhance the professionalism of community care services. Fifth, encourage persified development of community-based organizations and the industrialization of community aged care services.
    Key wards: Community Aged Care; The aging of the population; Elderly people living alone
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景和意义    1
    1、 研究背景    1
    2、 研究意义    1
    (二) 相关概念    1
    1、 社区    1
    2、 独居老人    2
    3、 社区养老服务    2
    (三) 研究目的    3
    二、研究方法    3
    (一) 文献研究    3
    (二) 实证调查    4
    1、 问卷调查    4
    2、 访谈    4
    三、人口老龄化与独居老人社区养老服务体系概述    4
    (一) 上海市人口老龄化情况概述    4
    1、 我国人口老龄化现状    4
    2、 上海市人口老龄化趋势及特点    4
    (二) 探索独居老人社区养老服务体系的理论依据    6
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