摘 要:基于地理信息系统和遥感技术,选取江西省九江市庐山北山公路为研究区域。在全国范围内选取发生过滑坡地质灾害的一系列地点,并以高差、坡度、植被覆盖度(NDVI)、地表曲率、地表粗糙度和地层岩性6种影响滑坡灾害发生的主要因素为评价因子,创建多元回归线性模型,确定权重因子,对庐山北山公路的滑坡危险性进行空间预测。结合滑坡危险性空间预测的基本要求,将庐山北山公路滑坡灾害的危险性进行分级,按其危险性由低到高,划分为5个等级。通过实地调查,发现预测结果与实地情况比较符合。78414
Abstract:Based on the technology of RS and GIS, the Beishan road of the Jiujiang Mount Lu in Jiangxi province was selected as study area。 In a nationwide, selection occurred in a series of geological disasters of landslide locations; and some main elements, such as slope, elevation difference, vegetation coverage(NDVI), surface ground curvature, terrian roughness and formation lithology which lead to landslide hazard were selected as evaluation factors, building multivariate linear regression analysis model, then fixing weight coefficient which can be used to predict the spatial landslide hazard of the Beishan road of the Jiujiang Mount Lu。 Combined with the basic requirements of the spatial prediction of landslide danger, the Beishan road is zoned into five kinds of region, classified in terms of the degree of hazard。 According to field survey, finding the prediction result conforms to the actual situation。
Keywords:GIS; multiple linear regression model; landslide disaster; hazard; spatial prediction
目 录
1 前 言 1
2 研究区概况和研究方法 1
2。 1 研究区概况 1
2。 2 研究方法 2
3 多元线性回归模型构建 3
3。 1 多元线性回归分析 3
3。 2 多元线性回归模型 4
3。 3 回归模型的构建与分析 6
4 庐山北山公路滑坡危险预测 8
4。 1 影响因子提取 8
4。 2 滑坡危险性空间预测与分析 9
结 论 14
参 考 文 献 15
致 谢 16
1 前 言