毕业论文关键词 微信 微信营销 营销策略 运用模式
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Title Study on the wechat marketing strategy of Anhui middle
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Since 2011, the tencent Inc launched Wechat, WeChat with its various advantages, the rapid development of new registered users of WeChat is constantly rising。 WeChat's arrival, not only to enrich the marketing model, its perse marketing features and functions for the business has also brought more choices, but also allow enterprises to feel the great value of WeChat through the use of WeChat marketing。 Wechat as a new media of the spread of another product, in its exchange of information as a medium of communication, the network economy era has created another era。 Micro channel marketing value and marketing is innovation of marketing mode of enterprises in the era of network economy, is accompanied by the rapid spread of micro channel of a network marketing methods, micro letter users take the initiative to build relationships, active information needed trade-offs, and the merchants through provide users need information and promote their products to marketing。
Keywords: Wechat Wechat marketing marketing strategy Use skill
目 次
1 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景和意义 1
1。2 文献综述 1
1。3 研究内容和研究方法4
2 微信营销概述5
2。1 微信和微信营销5
2。2 微信营销模式5
2。3 微信营销优点和特点6
3 安徽中观茶叶微信营销现状8
3。1 安徽中观茶叶简介8
3。2 安徽中观茶叶为何选择微信营销8
3。3 安徽中观茶叶微信营销宣传方式8
4 安徽中观茶叶微信营销存在的问题10
4。1 微信营销客户对企业忠诚度的维持问题10
4。2 微信营销宣传方式的问题10
4。3 微信营销模式的问题10
5 对策及建议11
5。1 推送信息量的控制11
5。2 使用名人效应11
5。3 诚信化经营11
5。4 维持微信环境安全11
5。5 培养和维持客户的忠诚度12
6 结论13
1 绪论
1。1 研究背景和意义