    摘要研究了以聚丙烯酰氧乙基三甲基氯化铵(简称为PDAC)为代表的季铵盐聚合物水溶液降解情况。采用溶液水解的方式,以样品的特征黏度值为考察指标,考察了实验室精制得到系列特征黏度值[η]为4.5、5.1和6.1dL•g-1的PDAC在25、40、60和80℃,pH=3、7、11条件下的溶液降解(水解)情况。同时,对DAC单体、降解前后PDAC进行了FTIR表征。进一步,在80℃,pH=11条件下比较了PDAC与其它两种典型季铵盐聚合物——聚甲基丙烯酰氧乙基三甲基氯化铵(简称为PDMC)和聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(简称为PDMDAAC)的溶液降解情况。通过实验可知,随着降解温度和pH的增加,PDAC降解速率逐步增加;PDAC样品特征黏度值越大,其在溶液降解后特征黏度值的降幅也越大。其中,PDAC([η]=6.1dL•g-1)在80℃,pH=11条件下,2961min后特征黏度值降低至0.71dL•g-1。FTIR谱pic表明,PDAC降解样品在3230~3550 cm-1附近的-OH峰增强表明了PDAC水解的产生。在PDAC和PDAC降解样品的谱pic中νC=O 1724 cm-1对应的是C=O的伸缩振动的增强表明样品都发生了不同程度的水解。在实验条件下的降解速率的比较而言,PDMC>PDAC>PDMDAAC,其中PDMDAAC在溶液中并无明显降解发生。结果表明,PDAC和PDMC由于酯基的存在在水溶液中有明显的酯基水解的发生,PDMDAAC在水溶液中的稳定性较好。19728
    关键词  季铵盐聚合物,甲基丙烯酰氧乙基三甲基氯化铵,均聚物,降解,特征黏度
    Title  The study of the degredation of typical quaternary ammonium polymer in solution
    The degredation of poly acryloxyethyltrimethylammonium chloride (PDAC) in solution, which represented as the quaternary ammonium polymer, has been studied in this thesis.By using the hydrolysis method, the intrinsic vicosity of sample in solition as target, the degradation of purified PDAC sample with serial intrinsic viscosity of 4.5, 5.1 and 6.1dL•g-1 in solution were investigated with temerature of 25, 40, 60 and 80℃, and pH value of 3, 7, 11, respectively. Meanwhile, the DAC monomer, PDAC sample before and after degradation were characterized by FTIR. Moreover, the degradation behavior of the other two typical quaternary ammonium polymer, i.e. poly methylacryloxyethyltrimethylammonium chloride (PDMC) and poly dimethyldiallylammonium chloride (PDMDAAC), were compared with PDAC when the temperature of solution was 80℃ and pH value was 11. The results showed that, the degradation of PDAC increased with the degaration temperature and pH of solution. The intrisic value of PDAC was higher, the decrease amplitude was higher. When the degaration temperature was 80℃ and pH=11, the intrinsic viscosity of PDAC was decreased from 6.1dL•g-1 to 0.71dL•g-1 after 2961min. The FTIR spectra showed that the enhance spectrum of the 3230~3550 cm-1 belonging to the -OH indicated that the hydrolysis of the PDAC. The enhance spectrum of the 1724 cm-1 belonging to the C=O indicated that the hydrolysis of all the samples of PDAC. Comparing the degradation rate, the PDMC>PDAC>PDMDAAC. PDMDAAC had no significant hydrolysis. All of the mentioned above indicated that there were obvious hydrolysis happened with PDAC and PDMC in solution due to the rester group, while PDMDAAC was much stabler.
    quaternary ammonium polymer, acryloxyethyltrimethylammonium chloride, homopolymer, degradation, intrinsic viscosity
    目  次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 概述    1
    1.2 单体及其相应聚合物的结构与性质    1
        1.2.1 DAC单体及其均聚物的结构与性质    1
    1.2.2 DMC单体及其相应聚合物的结构与性质    2
    1.2.3 DMDAAC单体及其均聚物的结构与性质    2
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