    摘要基于氢键、范德华力、库仑力以及 π-π 共轭作用,有机凝胶因子能够自组装成纳米纤文,进而通过交织、缠绕形成三文网络结构。由于易于设计修饰、分子量能够准确计算以及热可逆等特点,超分子凝胶在光控开关、药物缓释、传感和无机合成模板材料等领域具有巨大应用前景。本文以缬氨酸为手性源,通过缩合偶联、酰胺化和成盐反应制备了两种呈对映异构体的手性凝胶因子十二亚甲基-1,12-双(N-(5-吡啶戊酰基)-L-缬氨酸)高氯酸盐和十二亚甲基-1,12-双(N-(5-吡啶戊酰基)-D-缬氨酸)高氯酸盐。该类凝胶因子能够在水、乙醇等溶剂中自组装,形成稳定的凝胶态,具有左旋或右旋螺旋结构。同时,以该凝胶因子作为模板,通过溶胶-凝胶法制备了螺旋氧化锌纳米管,复制了超分子凝胶的形貌特征,为丰富手性无机材料的类型奠定基础。
    关键词  缬氨酸; 凝胶因子;螺旋;氧化锌    19727
    Title  Preparation of helical supramolecular gels and their application as the template
    The nanofibers formed by the self-assembly of organic gelators based on hydrogen bonding, coulombian force and π-π stacking could generate three-dimensional network architectures through intertwining and twining. Because of simple for design and modification, accurately calculated molecular weight and thermally reversible, supramolecular gels possess the great application prospects in the field of light control switch, drug delivery, sensors and template material for inorganic synthesis. In this paper, the dodecamethylene-1,12-bis(N-(5-pyridi-niumpentyl)-L-valine) (LL-12Val5PyClO4) and diperchlorate dodecamethylene-1,12-bis(N-(5-pyridi-niumpentyl)-D-valine) diperchlorate (DD-12Val5PyClO4) were prepared by coupling, amidation and salinification based on valine. The self-assembly of LL-12Val5PyClO4 and  DD-12Val5PyClO4 formed stable gel in the water and ethanol, they possess the left handed and right handed helices, respectively. Moreover, the helical zinc oxide nanotubes were prepared by the sol-gel process using the gelator as the template. The nanotubes copied the morphology of supramolecular gel, thus layed the foundation for the preparation of many novel chiral inorganic materials.
     Keywords:  Valine;  Gelator;  Helical;  Zinc oxide
    目    次
    第一章  绪  论    1
    1.1 凝胶    1
    1.1.1 凝胶定义    1
    1.1.2 凝胶分类    3
    1.1.3 超分子凝胶的应用    5
    1.1.4 超分子凝胶的表征方法    6
    1.2 氧化锌    6
    1.2.1 纳米材料    6
    1.2.2 纳米氧化锌的概述    8 氧化锌的基本结构    8 氧化锌的性质    9 纳米氧化锌的制备方法    10
    1.3 本文的目的与意义    13
    第二章   螺旋超分子凝胶的制备与表征    14
    2.1 引言    14
    2.2 实验部分    15
    2.2.1 实验药品    15
    2.2.2 表征    16
    2.2.3 超分子凝胶的制备    16 十二亚甲基-1,12-双(N-L-缬氨酸)的制备    16 十二亚甲基-1,12-双(N-(5-氯戊酰氯)-L-缬氨酸)的制备    17 十二亚甲基-1,12-双(N-(5-吡啶戊酰基)-L-缬氨酸)高氯酸盐的制备    17
    2.3 结果与讨论    19
    2.3.1 红外光谱分析    19
    2.3.2 核磁共振波谱(1H-NMR)    20
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