    摘要: 伴随燃煤火电厂的发展,人们的生活水平和经济水平正在逐步地提高,但是它所带来的大气污染问题也会越来越严重。火电厂会产生大量的污染性烟气,严重污染大气。因此,必须采取有效措施对其进行处理,以控制污染物的排放量。烟气中含大量粉尘和SO2,对人类健康和动植物生长造成严重影响。本次对课题—烟气湿法脱硫吸收塔设计的研究,针对火电厂烟气污染的现状,对火电厂产生的烟气进行治理,力求能在经济合理的条件下使其产生的粉尘及 SO2达到国家标准,从而减少对人类和自然环境的危害。设计一台用于600Mw 燃煤发电机组湿法脱硫系统的吸收塔,吸收塔为高32m 内径 15.3m 的圆柱体,内部包括除雾器、喷淋层、烟道进出口等设备。喷淋层为4 层,层间距为 1.5m,每层设有2607个喷嘴, 每个喷嘴覆盖面积为 3.14m
    。 该吸收塔的脱硫率η大于等于 95%,符合设计要求。毕业论文关键词: 燃煤电厂;湿法脱硫;吸收塔,24316
    Design of the Absorber Tower of aWet FGD system
    Abstract: With the development of thermal power plant, the living standards of the people,
    the economic level is gradually improving, but the air pollution problem is becoming more
    and more serious. Thermal power plant flue gas will produce pollution large, serious pollution
    of the atmosphere. Therefore, effective measures must be taken to carry on processing, to
    control the emission of pollutants. Containing a large amount of dust and SO2
    in flue gas, on human health and the growth of plants and animals caused serious influence. The study on wet
    flue gas desulfurization absorption tower design project, in view of the current situation of
    thermal power plant flue gas pollution, flue gas generated in thermal power plant management,
    and strive to dust and SO2 in economic and rational conditions make it have reached the
    national standard, so as to reduce the harm to human and the natural environment. Design of
    an absorption tower for wet flue gas desulfurization system of coal-fired power unit 600Mw,
    absorption tower for 32m high cylinder diameter of 15.3m, including the internal mist
    eliminator, spray layer, flue import and export equipment. The spray layer as the 4 layer, layer
    spacing of 1.5m, each layer is provided with 2607 nozzles, each nozzle cover an area of
    3.14m2 . The absorption tower desulfurization rate is over 95%, meet the design requirements.
    Keywords: Coal-fired power plants;Wet FGD; Absorber
    摘要. i
    1 绪论. 1
    1.1 烟气脱硫工艺简介.1
    1.2 烟气脱硫的国内外现状..4
    1.3 湿法脱硫的工艺原理5
    2 湿法脱硫吸收塔原理以及系统构成 7
    2.1 湿法脱硫核心装置─吸收塔及其脱硫原理7
    2.2 湿法脱硫吸收塔系统构成.9
    2.2.1 吸收塔本体系统9
    2.2.2 氧化空气供应系统..9
    2.2.3 石膏排出及一级脱水系统..9
    2.2.4 石灰石浆液供应子系统.10
    2.3 石灰石湿法脱硫主要工艺系统10
    2.3.1 石灰石浆液制备系统..10
    2.3.2 烟气系统.10
    2.3.3 SO2吸收系统11
    2.3.4 石膏脱水系统..11
    2.3.5 浆液排空及回收系统..12
    3 燃煤电厂烟气脱硫吸收塔设计 13
    3.1 烟气流速的影响与设计13
    3.2 液气比和钙硫比的影响与设计13
    3.3 脱硫吸收塔的设计..14
    3.3.1 喷淋塔吸收区高度的计算14
    3.3.2 喷淋塔除雾区高度设计.15
    3.3.3 喷淋塔浆液池高度设计.18
    3.3.4 喷淋塔烟气进口高度设计18
    3.4 喷淋塔直径的计算..19
    3.5 喷嘴布置设计.19
    3.5.1 喷管管数的确定.19
    3.5.2 各喷管间距的确定20
    3.6 总结..20
    4 结论.. 22
    致谢. 23
    参考文献 24
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