    设计总说明: 我国啤酒工业发展迅速,到目前我国啤酒生产厂已有800多家,据1996年统计我国啤酒产量达1 650万t,既成为世界啤酒生产大国,又成为较高浓度有机物污染大户,啤酒废水的排放和对环境的污染已成为突出问题,引起了各有关部门的重视。如何进行啤酒废水的防治与治理成为了关键,环保也随之成为了一个热门的话题,它不仅关系到城市的市容市貌,工业企业的自身生存发展,也关系到民族国家的兴衰成败,更关系到我们人类的生存与发展,因为我们只有一个家--地球。本次设计就是通过原始资料,查阅文献,根据自己四年所学的专业基本知识,对某啤酒厂啤酒废水处理工程初步设计。本次设计源于某啤酒厂,该啤酒厂采用大麦为主要原料、大米为辅助原料生产啤酒,现年产啤酒15万t/a。各个工序产生的废水集中到一起排放。其排放的污水量随季节有所不同,处理水量可按4500m3/d考虑,其水质按如下考虑: CODcr:2200mg/L,BOD5:1050mg/L,SS:400mg/L,NH3-N:25mg/L, pH:6~9。处理后的废水排入附近的河中,其水质执行《啤酒工业污染物排放标准》(GB12821-2005),具体为:CODcr:≤80mg/L,BOD5:≤20mg/L,SS:≤70mg/L,NH3-N:15mg/L, pH:6~9。本次设计原则主要有:(1) 处理工艺技术及经济均可行,处理后的废水排入附近的河中,其水质达到《啤酒工业污染物排放标准》(GB12821-2005)要求;(2) 处理工艺较成熟可靠,具有完整的工艺流程和合理、准确的工艺参数;(3) 抗冲击负荷能力强,适应能力、调节能力强,出水水质稳定、可靠;(4) 操作管理简便。由于单纯的好氧工艺耗能太高,产污泥量大;单纯的厌氧工艺省能产能,有效去除有机物,出水离达标还有一定差距。所以都不适宜处理啤酒废水。厌氧-好氧串联工艺综合两者的优点,成为目前啤酒废水处理技术选择的方向。UASB 和SBR组合工艺用于处理啤酒废水,工艺流程简洁,运行管理方便。UASB 去除了废水中的大部分有机物, 降低了后续好氧工艺的运行能耗及费用, 减少了剩余污泥的产量及其处理处置费用。并且UASB 所产生的沼气又可加以回收利用。后续的SBR 工艺可确保废水的达标排放。该工艺用于处理啤酒废水,切实可行,既能降低运行成本,又能产生经济效益。24318
    Introduction:Beer industry has developed rapidly in our country,so far our country has more than 800 ,beer factories. According to the statistics of 1996 ,beer production has been 16.5 million t in our country,which makes our country become the world's beer production country,and a high concentration of organic matter pollution. The discharge and pollution of beer wastewater to the environment has become a prominent question,causing the attention of the authorities. How to prevent and treat the brewery wastewater became the key,and environmental protection has become a hot topic. It not only relates to the districts of the city,its own survival and development of industrial enterprises,also relates to national rise or fall and success or failure,more relates to our human survival and development,because we have only one home - the earth. The preliminary design of a brewery beer wastewater treatment project is designed by the original material and literature,according to the basic knowledge of my major of four years . This design is the result of a brewery of an annual output of 150000 t/a beer,with barley as the main raw material and rice as auxiliary raw material to produce beer . Waste water of all processes together is discharged. The quantity of wastewater discharge is according to different season. The quantity of water treatment can be considered according to 4500 m3 / d,the water quality in accordance with the following concerns: CODcr: 2200 mg/L,BOD5:1050 mg/L,SS: 400 mg/L,NH3 - N: 25 mg/L,pH: 6 ~ 9. Treated wastewater discharges into a nearby river. The water quality executes "beer industrial pollutant discharge standard" (GB12821-2005),specific as follows: the CODcr: 80 mg/L,or less BOD5:20 mg/L,or less SS: 70 mg/L or less,NH3 - N: 15 mg/L,pH: 6 ~ 9. Principles of this design mainly include: (1) the processing technology and economy are feasible and treated wastewater is discharged into a nearby river with the water quality reaching the "beer industrial pollutant discharge standard" (GB12821-2005); (2) the treatment technology is relatively mature and reliable,and has a complete technological process with reasonable and accurate process parameters ; (3) the shock load capability is strong,and it has a strong ability to adapt and adjust,and effluent is stable and reliable; (4) the operation and management is convenient .The simple aerobic process energy consumption is too high to produce large amount of sludge; The simple anaerobic process has good province capacity and effectively removes organic matter,but water quality to the standard is still some way. So both are not suitable for treating beer wastewater. Anaerobic - aerobic series process comprehensive advantage of the two,which becomes the direction of beer wastewater treatment technology at present to choose. Combination of UASB and SBR process is used in the treatment of beer wastewater,process simple,convenience of operation and management. The UASB removes most of the organic matter in waste water,which reduces the operation energy consumption and cost of subsequent aerobic process,and reduces the production of excess sludge and the cost of its disposal . At the same time methane produced by UASB can be recycled. And subsequent SBR process can ensure that wastewater discharging by standard. The use of this process in beer wastewater treatment,can not only reduce the operation cost,but also produce economic benefits.
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