    摘要:建立了气相色谱质谱联用法测定肥料中三十烷醇(TA)和2,4-D的分析方法。主要分为样品的前处理过程和GC/MS分析过程。TA和2,4-D分别以丙酮正己烷(1:1)混合溶液和酸性乙腈为提取剂,并通过超声波辅助萃取,但是由于2,4-D极性较大还需要进行衍生化处理后用于GC/MS分析。实验以8种市售肥料为研究对象,包括有机肥、水溶肥、缓释肥以及腐植肥料等,2,4-D的实验加标回收率为41%-78%,RSD为1.8%,线性范围为1ug/mL-80ug/mL,检出限(S/N≥3)0.06ppm,定量限(S/N≥10)0.2ppm,三十烷醇标样检出限(S/N≥3) 0.001 ppm ,定量限(S/N≥10)0.005ppm,RSD为1.0%,线性范围为0.05ug/mL -80ug/mL实验结果表明,该方法具有灵敏度高,方便快捷等特性,至少可以满足肥料中2,4-D的分析检测要求。35948
    The analysis of 2,4-D and Triacontanol in the fertilizers
    Abstract: The GC/MS method for analysising the growth regulator triacontanol and 2,4-D was developed .This paper can be pided into sample pre-treatment process and GC/MS analysis. Respectively, acetone hexane (1: 1) mixed solution and an acidic acetonitrile as the extraction agent, ultrasonic assisted extraction, but as the 2,4-D has a strong polar ,it should be derivatized before GC /MS analysis. There are eight commercial fertilizer for the study, including organic fertilizer, water soluble fertilizer, slow release fertilizer and humic fertilizers.The recoveries of 2,4-D are 41% -78%, the RSD is 1.8%;the linear ralationship is the range of 1ug / mL-80ug / mL, the detection limit (S/N≥3) is 0.06ppm, the limit of quantification (S/N≥10)is 0.2ppm, triacontanol standard detection limit (S/N≥3 )is 0.001ppm, the limit of quantification (S /N≥10) is 0.005ppm,the RSD is 1.0%, the linear ralationship is range of 0.05ug/mL- 80 ug/mL .The experimental results show that this method has high sensitivity, convenience and so on, it can  meet the requires of analisising the 2,4-D from the fertilizer .
    KeyWords:Fertilizer;Growth regulator;GC/MS;2,4-D;Triacontanol
    1 前言    1
    1.1 选题意义    1
    1.2 气相色谱-质谱联用仪概要    1
    1.2.1 气相色谱原理    2
    1.2.2 质谱原理    2
    1.2.3 仪器特点    2
    1.2.4 应用范围    2
    1.3 文献综述    2
    1.3.1 肥料成分分析及前处理    3
    1.3.2 三十烷醇的分析    5
    1.3.3 2,4-D的分析    6
    2 实验部分    8
    2.1 仪器    9
    2.1.1 GCMS仪器参数(2,4-D)    9
    2.1.2 GCMS仪器参数(三十烷醇)    10
    2.2 标准试剂及用品    10
    2.2.1 肥料来源与性状    11
    2.3 实验步骤    12
    2.3.1 溶剂的配制    12
    2.3.2 肥料中2,4-D的分析    12
    2.3.3 肥料中三十烷醇的分析    12
    2.4  GC/MS仪器操作流程    13
    2.4.1 开机顺序    13
    2.4.2 进入系统及检查系统配置    13
    2.4.3 启动真空泵    13
    2.4.4 调谐方法    13
    2.4.5 方法编辑    14
    2.4.6 样品测定操作    14
    2.4.7 后处理操作    14
    2.4.8 关机    14
    3 结果与讨论    15
    3.1 2,4-D结果与讨论    15
    3.1.1 提取方案    15
    3.1.2 提取剂的选择    15
    3.1.3 衍生化反应    15
    3.1.4 仪器条件的选择    16
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