    The process design of landfill of chongming island
    Abstract: This is a design  of  landfill  of  chongming  island ,which will deal with the whole of miniciple solid waste of chongming in the future fifiteen years.in the first,  This article had discussed the ways of our country disposed miniciple solid waste, then I had analysed the components of waste of shanghai ,and had studyed the influence of two child policy in population of chongming . In this bases, I completed  choosing the location of landfill、the design of anti-seepage system、the collection and dispositon of percolate、the final cover and closure、the way of wastewater treatment and enyiromental protection and minitoring. For relizing. This design used mud-flat-landfill as model,and it employed HDPE film and clay loam as anti-seepage system.For making this landfill operate stably, the design of all of it meet the relating standards.
    Key word:   landfill;chongming island;population;anti-seepage system
    1  概述 5
     1.1  工程概况6
     1.2  原则与范围6
         1.2.1 设计原则 6
         1.2.2 设计依据 8    
     1.2.3 规范标准 8
    2  工程资料 8
       2.1 城市概况 8
     2.1.1 城市地理位置 8
     2.1.2 城市人口状况 9
     2.1.3 崇明经济状况 9
     2.1.4 崇明交通状况 9
       2.2 地理条件10
     2.2.1 地形地貌10
     2.2.2 地质条件10
     2.2.3 气候10
     2.2.4 降雨情况11
     2.2.5 水质条件11
       2.3  崇明卫生现状和规划 11
     2.3.1 崇明卫生处理现状11
     2.3.2 崇明环境卫生处理规划12
    3  上海市垃圾成分概况12    
       3.1 上海市城市生活垃圾各类物质所占比例12
       3.2 根据生活垃圾的不同粒径分析基本燃烧特性  12
       3.3 上海市生活垃圾中元素分析13
       3.4 综合分析13
    4  生活垃圾处理对策13
       4.1 处理方法13
         4.1.1 填埋13
         4.1.2 堆肥13
         4.1.3 焚烧13
         4.1.4 方案比较15
       4.2 崇明垃圾现状15
    5  崇明卫生填埋场库存设计及场址选择15
       5.1 人口数量计算15
         5.1.1 二胎政策对人口数量变化的影响15
         5.1.2 崇明历史人口16
       5.2 垃圾产生量及库存计算17
         5.2.1 垃圾产生量及库存计算17
         5.2.2 填埋量及库存预算18
    5.3 填埋场区域确定 20
      5.4 填埋场的选址 20
    5.4.1 填埋场选址的基本原则 20
    5.4.2 填埋场选址的基本规范 20
    5.4.3 场址选择论证 21
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