    关键词: 硼粉  燃烧性能  球磨法  包覆
    Title     The industrialized treatment technology of high combustion  efficiency boron powder                                  
    This paper studies the process of surface-coated boron powder. By reaction milling method of boron powder surface coating, coating agents including nano-nickel powder, nano-copper powder, copper oxide, HTPB, and mixtures thereof. By XRD, SEM and other equipment after the coated samples were characterized and analyzed, and finally the use of far-infrared thermometer to detect the combustion performance of the product. Experimental results show that the combustion temperature and combustion rate has increased in the majority of products, which HTPB and nano-nickel powder coated boron powder combustion temperature increased to 1441 ℃, HTPB-coated boron powder combustion temperature increased to 1236 ℃; combustion speed is the most obvious nano nickel powder coated boron powder, the mass burning rate increase 277% linear burn rate increase by 191%.
    Keywords  boron powder  combustion   ball milling  surface-coating
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
       1.1  硼粉在推进剂中的应用    1
    1.1.1  复合推进剂的组分    1
    1.1.2  硼粉的理化性质    3
    1.1.3  硼粉在复合推进剂中的应用    4
    1.2  硼粉表面改性的研究进展    5
    1.2.1  硼粉表面的无机金属材料改性    5
    1.2.2  硼粉表面的有机材料改性    5
    1.3  本课题研究的主要内容    5
    2  硼粉的表面包覆改性    6
    2.1  超细粉体的表面包覆原理    6
    2.2  超细硼粉表面包覆方法    6
    2.3  实验试剂及仪器    6
    2.3.1  实验试剂    6
    2.3.2  实验仪器    6
    2.4  硼/纳米镍复合粒子的制备    7
    2.4.1  引言    7
    2.4.2  实验过程    7
    2.5  硼/纳米铜复合粒子的制备    8
    2.5.1  引言    8
    2.5.2  实验过程    8
    2.6  硼/氧化铜复合粒子的制备    8
    2.6.1  引言    8
    2.6.2  实验过程    8
    2.7  硼/HTPB复合粒子的制备    9
    2.7.1  实验过程    9
    2.8  硼/HTPB/纳米镍粉复合粒子的制备    10
    2.8.1  实验过程    10
    2.9  硼/HTPB/纳米铜粉复合粒子的制备    10
    2.9.1  实验过程    10
    2.10  硼/HTPB/氧化铜复合粒子的制备    11
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