目的 选取特色中式植物提取物作为中式卷烟特色薄片加料加香的主要成分,并研究加料加香的技术。特色成分 产自我国南部沿海地区的植物羊栖菜为中式特色海藻类植物,因此选择以羊栖菜提取物作为本次中式卷烟特色薄片加料加香实验的主体成分。羊栖菜(Sargassum fusiforme),又名小叶海藻,整体呈黄褐色,其叶状体变异较大,生长情况各异,雌雄异株。主要分布于中国南部沿海地区,南起浙江、福建、广东沿海,北至山东以及辽东半岛,是海藻中的优势物种,常生长于落潮带的岩石之上。在20世纪90年代之后已于浙江南部沿海洞头、苍南等地区大规模培养繁殖,具有多重功效,可作蔬菜食用,也可药用。羊栖菜含有水溶性多糖,褐藻多糖硫酸酯、褐藻酸、褐藻淀粉以及丰富的维生素E等成分。具有消痰化瘀,利水消肿,去热去湿的功效,古时已收编于《中华本草》。同时还具有降低血糖[1]、抗氧化的作用。但将羊栖菜提取物应用于卷烟薄片加料加香的例子很少。61945

方法 本课题主要研究羊栖菜提取物在中式卷烟薄片加料加香中的应用,比照既有的空白卷烟评吸情况及感官评价,拟定与羊栖菜提取物相配合的加料香精和表香香精,同时添加适量的羊栖菜提取物,制成卷烟成品,经过反复评吸和改良配方来提升卷烟吃,改善和谐香气,使得加入羊栖菜提取物的成品卷烟烟气柔和舒适、刺激性小、杂气清淡、余干净清新,整体烟香协调。最后,评价羊栖菜提取物对卷烟香气及觉的影响,并总结羊栖菜提取物在卷烟中应用效果。

毕业论文关键词: 羊栖菜提取物;卷烟薄片;加料加香

Research on typical Chinese style tobacco sheet flavoring technology

Abstract: Objective Sselecting features Chinese plant extracts as the main components of the Chinese style tobacco sheets flavoring, and study the technology of the charging flavored. 

Main ingredient Plants in southern coastal areas of China Sargassum fusiforme for Chinese characteristics of sea algae, so choose the Sargassum fusiforme extracts as the Chinese style tobacco sheets charging flavored experimental subject. Sargassum fusiforme,also known as  

lobular algae, the overall yellowish-brown, laid body variation is larger, the growth conditions, dioecious. Mainly distributed in southern coastal region, south zhejiang, fujian, guangdong coast, north to shandong and liaodong peninsula, is the dominant species in algae, often grows on the ebb tide belt of rock. After the 1990 s in southern zhejiang coastal Dongtou and Cangnan regions such as the mass culture breeding, with multiple functions, can make vegetables to eat, can also medicinal. The Sargassum fusiforme containing water-soluble polysaccharide, brown alga of sulfuric acid ester, algin, brown algae composition such as starch and rich in vitamin E. With sputum elimination blood, water swelling, go hot wet effect, in ancient times have been collected in the Chinese material medica. At the same time also has a lower blood sugar [1], the action of antioxidant. But the Sargassum fusiforme extract was seldom applied to tobacco sheets flavoring.

Methods This subject mainly research the Sargassum fusiforme extracts feed flavoring, the application of the Chinese style tobacco sheets in some blank cigarette smoking situation and sensory evaluation, drawing up to match the Sargassum fusiforme extracts the essence and compound feeding, add right amount the Sargassum fusiforme extracts at the same time, made a tobacco product. After repeated, smoking and improved formula to improve cigarette taste, to improve the harmonious aroma, make the Sargassum fusiforme extracts of the finished tobacco smoke is soft and comfortable, excitant small, mixed gas light, clean and pure and fresh, and lightly incense totally tobacco coordination. Finally, the evaluation of the Sargassum fusiforme extracts of tobacco aroma and taste, the effect of extract and summarize the Sargassum fusiforme extracts application effect in the tobacco flavoring. 

















