摘要:本论文以罗丹明B、溴甲酚紫、孔雀石绿为发色剂,硼酸为显色剂,一定量的十四醇与十优尔醇混合为溶剂,在低温条件下以较低成本和较为简单的工艺制备出有明显颜色变化的感温变色材料。通过改变发色剂、溶剂的种类,发色剂之间的不同配比、发色剂、显色剂、溶剂间的不同配比、反应温度等条件制备并筛选出在低温条件下变色性能良好的变色材料。实验结果表明,溶剂对所研究的低温变色材料变色温度有着关键性的影响,当十四醇的量逐渐增加后,变色材料的变色温度从37C降低到36°C,相应的变色时间也有所减少。另外,研究还发现,发色剂对变色材料的色系有较明显的影响。通过在不同条件下的多组实验结果目前找到的感温变色最佳体系为:(溴甲酚紫-罗丹明-孔雀石绿)/硼酸/(十四醇-十优尔醇)体系。其在低温下(36C) 颜色开始有明显的变化。关键词:低温可逆变色;制备方法;反应温度;配比;色系10343
The preparation of the low-temperature thermochromic materials and the study of its thermochromic behavior
Abstract: In this article we use the rhodamine, Bromocresol purple and Malachite green as colour former, choose the Boric acid as chromogenic agent and take tetradecyl alcohol and hexadecanol as dissolvant to make the thermochromic material which has a significant color change in a low temperature and costs lower and use relatively simple technology. Through changing the type of the colour former and solvent, the different proportion of colour former, chromogenic agent and dissolvant, the reaction temperature to prepare the thermochromic material. The experimental result indicated that the solvent plays a significant role in the temperature in which the material start to change colour. When we increase tetradecyl alcohol, the temperature descend from 37ºC to 36ºC and the time of changing is also shorten. Furthermore, we found that colour former make a key role in the colour of the thermochromic material. The best system which we have made through several experiments is: (Bromocresol purple- rhodamine- Malachite green)/ Boric acid/ (tetradecyl alcohol- hexadecanol) which has a clear colour change in a low temperature (36ºC).
Keyword:Low temperature reverse thermochromic material; Scheme of preparation; Reaction temperature; Proportion; Color system
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1 课题的目的和意义 1
1.2 课题的研究背景 1
1.3 可逆热变色材料的分类 2
1.3.1 可逆热变色无机材料 2
1.3.2 可逆热变色有机材料 2
1.4 可逆热变色有机材料的制备 3
1.4.1 发色剂 3
1.4.2 显色剂 4
1.4.3 溶剂 4
1.5 热变色材料的应用 3
1.5.1 超温报警 4
1.5.2 表面温度的测量 4
1.5.3 制作防伪标记 4
2 实验部分 5
2.1 仪器与试剂 5
2.1.1 仪器 5
2.1.2 药品与试剂 5
2.2 低温变色材料的制备 7
2.2.1 孔雀石绿-罗丹明/硼酸/十四醇-十优尔醇变色材料的制备 7
2.2.2 溴甲酚紫-罗丹明/硼酸/十四醇-十优尔醇变色材料的制备 7
2.2.3 溴甲酚紫-孔雀石绿-罗丹明/硼酸/十四醇-十优尔醇变色材料的制备 8
3 结果与讨论 10
3.1 孔雀石绿-罗丹明/硼酸/十四醇-十优尔醇体系变色性能的研究 10
3.2 溴甲酚紫-罗丹明/硼酸/十四醇-十优尔醇体系的变色性能研究 11
- 上一篇:新型水性环氧树脂涂料的制备研究
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