    摘要:现在的年轻家长越来越关注幼儿的早期潜能开发,为能使孩子更好的学习和成长,父母为孩子报各类的兴趣班。家长为孩子选择各类兴趣班的现象已经成为一股强大的“热潮”。本论文主要通过问卷调查法和访谈法对信阳市A幼儿园大班幼儿参加兴趣班的现状进行调查,整理访谈与问卷的结果,存在的问题如下: 幼儿参加兴趣班的数量多,课程内容难;多数家长认为兴趣班是幼儿成长的必经之路;幼儿参加兴趣班的首要目的是多学知识,为升学做准备;幼儿园没有对幼儿参加兴趣班给予相关的指导。建议主要有:第一,选班应与幼儿的年龄和兴趣特点相适应;第二,转变家长对幼儿参加兴趣班的认识;第三,家长应关注幼儿的全面发展;第四,幼儿园对幼儿参加兴趣班应给予相关的指导19309
    毕业论文关键词:兴趣班; 家长; 幼儿
    The Study of the Young Children of the Top Class Take Part in Interest Class in the kindergarten A of XinYang City
    Abstract: Now the young parents are paying more attention to the early child potential development, in order to make the child better learning and growth, parents for their children to all kinds of classes. This phenomenon that parents for their children choose all kinds of programmers has become a powerful "boom". This paper to A kindergarten of XinYang ,the young children of the top class take part in the present situation investigation of the interest class by the questionnaire investigation and interview method, arranging interviews with the result of the questionnaire, the problems are as follows: It is difficult to young children to attend classes of computer number, course ;and most parents think interest classes is way to early childhood development, and children participating in interest groups whose primary purpose is to learn knowledge, to prepare for the entrance; kindergarten for young children to participate in interest groups no giving relevant guidance. Suggestions are mainly: first, class should be commensurate with the characteristics of the age and interests of young children ; second , the parents on young children's awareness of participating in interest groups; third, parents should focus on comprehensive early childhood development ;four, kindergarten for young children to participate in interest groups should be given guidance
      Key words: Interest class;Parents; Young children
      目  录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、信阳市A幼儿园大班幼儿参加兴趣班的调查结果    2
    (一)幼儿参加兴趣班的类型    2
    (二)兴趣班的时间安排    3
    (三)家长对幼儿参加兴趣班的认识    4
    (四)幼儿参加兴趣班的首要目的    4
    (五)幼儿园对幼儿参加兴趣班的指导情况    5
    二、信阳市A幼儿园大班幼儿参加兴趣班存在的问题    5
    (一)幼儿参加兴趣班的数量多,课程内容难    5
    (二)多数家长认为兴趣班是幼儿成长的必经之路    6
    (三)幼儿参加兴趣班的首要目的是多学知识,为升学做准备    7
    (四)幼儿园对幼儿参加兴趣班没有给予相关的指导    8
    三、信阳市A幼儿园大班幼儿参加兴趣班存在问题的解决建议    9
    (一)选班应与幼儿的年龄和兴趣特点相适应    9
    (二)转变家长对幼儿参加兴趣班的认识    9
    (三)家长应关注幼儿的全面发展    10
    (四)幼儿园对幼儿参加兴趣班应给予相关的指导建议    11
    参考文献    12
    附录I    13
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