摘要:为探索中学生考试焦虑与学业成就归因方式的关系,本研究分层随机抽取河北省卧佛堂镇某一中学185名被试,采用考试焦虑量表(Test Anxiety Scale, TAS)中文版和多文—多向归因量表(MMCS)进行问卷调查,结果表明:多数中学生存在中等考试焦虑,且考试焦虑年级差异显著;学业归因上,中学生学业成就多归因于努力;学业成功时,个体更重视氛围、努力归因,氛围归因的年级效应显著,八年级与九年级差异显著,男生在氛围、运气和努力归因上得分高于女生,氛围、努力归因的性别差异显著;学业失败时,个体多能力、努力归因,氛围、运气归因的年级效应显著,七年级和八年级,八年级与九年级差异显著,女生在氛围、努力归因上得分高于男生,且氛围、努力归因的性别差异显著;在学业成功与失败两种情况下,考试焦虑与努力相关显著。27849
The Study of the Relationship Between Middle School Students' Examination Anxiety and Academic Achievements Attribution Way
Abstract: To explore the relationship between middle school students' examination anxiety and academic achievements attribution way, this study stratified random chose a middle school 185 subjects at hejian city in Hebei province , using the Chinese test anxiety scale(TAS) and the Multidimensional - multidirectional attribution scale (MMCS) , the results show that: Most high school students who have test anxiety in high level is relatively high, and there is a significant difference in three grade about test anxiety. On the academic attribution, students are more inclined to put academic achievement attributed to efforts rather than other factors. In the case of the attribution of success, students pay more attention to atmosphere attribution and effort attribution, and the grade effect of atmosphere attribution has a significant difference. There is a significant difference between grade eight and nine grade, and boys scored very higher than girls in the atmosphere attribution, the luck attribution and the effort attribution. The gender difference in the atmosphere attribution and the effort attribution is significant. In the case of the failure attribution, students are more likely to due to their ability and effort, the grade effect of in atmosphere and effort attribution is significant. The significant difference of grade seven and grade eight is significant, and the significant difference of grade eight and grade nine is significant. Girls scored very higher than boys in the atmosphere attribution and the effort attribution. The gender difference in the atmosphere attribution and the effort attribution is significant. The correlation of the test anxiety and the effort attribution is significant.
Keywords: Test anxiety; Academic achievements attribution; Academic performance
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
1对象与方法 3
1.1研究对象 3
1.2研究方法 3
1.3研究工具 3
1.4数据处理 4
2调查结果 4
2.1中学生考试焦虑的总体情况 4
2.2中学生学业成就归因总体情况 5
2.3中学生考试焦虑与学业成就归因的相关情况 7
3讨论 7
3.1中学生考试焦虑的基本状况 7
3.2中学生学业成就归因的基本状况 8
3.3中学生考试焦虑与学业成就归因的相关分析 9
4结论 10
参考文献 10
附录I 11
附录II 14
致谢 16
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