     The Analysis of Dietary Nutrition in the Kindergarten-As Kindergarten J in Zhoukou As example
    Abstract: Health is the foundation of the healthy growth of young children, in order to ensure the healthy growth of children, not only to let the child  exercise actively,  but also pay special attention to children's dietary nutrition, However, there are still some problems on children's reasonable and balanced diets , Hence, I combined with the actual situation of the practice in the kindergarten, according to dietary nutrition status quo analysis in the kindergarten, found that what kindergarten J provided in the collocation is unreasonable; Recipes in various food collocation is not balanced; The consider seasonal dietary collocation is uncompleted; management in dietary nutrition is undesirable and the dining environment not good enough and so on. And I Searched for scientific measures: To develop my survey; To make a recipe; Provide professional; Build up the best nutrition balance dietary pattern and good dinning environment, Reasonable and balance dietary can offer some scientific theories foundation for children's health.   
    Keywords: Children; A healthy body; Dietary nutrition; A balanced meal
    目  录
    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、幼儿园膳食的概述    2
    二、周口市J幼儿园膳食存在的问题及分析    2
      (一)幼儿园膳食中所提供的营养素搭配不合理    2
      (二)幼儿园食谱中各类食物搭配不均衡    3
      (三)幼儿园膳食搭配中没有充分考虑季节性    4
    (四)幼儿园膳食管理不科学    4
    (五)幼儿园幼儿就餐环境不良    5
    三、影响周口市J幼儿园膳食的因素    5
      (一)幼儿园方面的因素    5
      (二)教师方面的因素    6
    四、改善周口市J幼儿园膳食的对策    6
      (一)开展营养膳食调查    6
      (二)科学制订食谱    6
      (三)配备专业营养人才    7
      (四)建立科学营养膳食模式    8
      (五))创设良好的饮食环境    8
    参考文献    10
    附录Ⅰ    11
    附录Ⅱ    12
    附录Ⅲ    13
    致谢    14
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