
    摘要普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(The National College Entrance Examination,简称”高考”)是为普通高等学校录取新生而举行的选拔性考试,。高考是选拔人才的重要手段, 是我国影响力最大,最具权威性的笔纸考试,在我国倍受重视。同时高考的导向作用也无庸质疑。选拔功能要求高考题要具有必要的区分度、适当的难度和较高的效度,从而将那些拥有进一步学习能力的学生选拔到高校,这个导向作用即所谓的高考 “指挥棒”功能,要求高考命题要对中学物理教学及物理教学改革具有指导作用。所以高考试题必然要体现国家对高中教育的教改方针和基本要求,促进教育行为、教育观念的的转变。44231

    高中新课程改革于2004年启动,从2007年开始高考试卷有了新课标地区考卷与人教大纲版的区分。2009年浙江省正式实施新课标高考。笔者通过双向细目表方法分析近几年的高考试卷物理部分,体会高考改革的进程,并从中把握出高考物理命题的脉络和趋势。以期指导今后的高考复习教学工作 。高考的命题导向是回归教材,注重能力培养。希望本论文能在学习上对教师和学生起到帮助作用。

    Abstract National Higher Education Entrance Examination (The National College Entrance Examination,Referred to as "entrance") is for colleges and universities to enroll students held a selection examination. The entrance is an important means of selection of personnel, which is Chinese most influential and most authoritative pen and paper test, in our highly valued. At the same time the guiding role of the college entrance examination is also questioned. Entrance theme selection functional requirements to have the necessary degree of differentiation, appropriate difficulty and high validity, so that students will have the ability to further study the selection of the university, the guiding role of the so-called entrance "baton" feature, require entrance To proposition physics teaching and guiding role in the reform of physics teaching. So the National College Entrance Examination is bound to reflect the principles and basic requirements for the reform of upper secondary education, the promotion of educational activities, changing the concept of education.

    The new high school curriculum reform started in 2004, beginning in 2007, the college entrance exam papers with the New Curriculum areas and taught outline version distinction. 2009 New Curriculum entrance, Zhejiang formally implemented. The author analyzed by two-way breakdown of the physical part of the college entrance examination methods in recent years, the experience of the process of reform of the college entrance examination, and from the entrance to grasp the context and trends in physical proposition. To guide future Entrance Exam teaching. Entrance of the proposition is a return-oriented teaching, focusing ability. I hope this paper can help teachers and students play a role in learning.

    毕业论文关键词:高考; 高考试题分析;物理; 趋势;策略,

    Keyword: College Entrance Examination; analysis for College Entrance Examination question; physics ; trends;strategies


    摘    要 2

    Abstract 3

    第一章 引言 5

    1.1研究问题的提出及意义 5

    1.1.1研究问题的提出 5

    1.1.2课题的研究意义 5

    1.2国内研究现状 6

    第二章 高中物理考试基础 7


  1. 上一篇:提高中小学科学素养的讨论研究
  2. 下一篇:中小学科学课堂的多媒体教学
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