
    摘 要后悔倾向及风险偏好原本是属于金融学的热点其中后悔值是指个体易于认识到或者想像出如果先前采取其他行为,其结果会更好,并容易伴随负性情绪产生的一种持久而稳定的特质。风险偏好则是指为了实现目标,个体在承担风险的种类、大小等方面的基本态度。本研究利用后悔倾向的概念及其理论构想,主要采用开放式问卷的方式式进行调查,收集资料,对在校民族和汉族大学生进行后悔倾向的调研进行比对。与此同时借鉴Kahneman和Tversky二人的“确定性效应”和”反射效应”的实验的风险偏好问题,对被试的风险偏好进行调研。期望通过调研结果,探究少数民族大学生与汉民族大学生之间后悔倾向与风险偏好之间的关系差异性。为民族大学生更好的认识自我探索出一条新的途径。同时通过对民族学生的文化偏好与风险偏好探求影响语言与文化后悔值的因素,从而更科学、更系统、更清晰地进行语言与文化的传承与保护工作。通过对收集的数据进行统计学分析,本文得出以下结论:50146





    毕业论文关键词:少数民族大学生 后悔值 风险偏好 后悔倾向

    Research on the regret value and risk preference of Minority College Students


    Regret tendency and risk preference were originally belonging to financial spot. the one of regret value was refers to the inpidual which was easy to recognize or imagine if taken other behavior previously, and the results would be develop better, and also easily associated with negative emotion of a lasting and stable characteristics. Risk preference was to achieve the goal that inpidual have different attitude on the aspect of the risk of the type, size. This study will use the tendency of concept and the theory of regret, mainly uses the way of open questionnaire survey to collect the data regret orientation of College for both nationalities and Han nationality students in research for comparison. At the same time, using the theory of risk preference which came out by Kahneman and Tversky that showed two effects--- "certainty effect" and "reflection effect", to investigate deeply in the risk preference. It is expected to explore the relationship between minority college students and Han nationality college students on apspect of regret the relationship between the tendency and risk preference. To explore a new way for the better understanding of the National College students.Through the statistical analysis of the collected data, this paper will draw the following conclusions:

    First, there is a negative correlation between regret tendency and risk preference, and the degree of regret is positively correlated with the risk preference in the income framework.

    Second, there are significant differences in different dimensions of regret tendency of different nationalities, and the regret tendency of minority nationality is higher than that of Han nationality.

    Third, under the risk preference, the minority college students and the Han nationality college students tend to choose to avoid the risk of guaranteed income.

    Fourth, underpinning the income framework, the minority college students' regret tendency is significantly related to the risk preference, the higher the tendency of regret, the more people tending to avoid risk.

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