


    The Use of the Observation and Recording Method for Preschool Teachers in Xuzhou City: Limitations and Improvements


    at present, the observation and record method has received more and more attention in the kindergarten education practice, but because the understanding of the value and significance of the observation of the deep enough and other reasons, teachers there are many shortages in the use of observation method. This paper collected abundant data through questionnaires, interviews and inpidual fine texts, and through the educational practice to some front-line teachers make careful observation and understanding of teachers work in live, based on the analysis of teachers using the specific limitations of observation location, In order to put forward some operational points of suggestions, to help teachers make better use of observation.

    Key Words: observation and recording method;  use limitations;  improvement suggestions

     目  录                                        

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    一  研究设计 1

    (一)基本概念界定 1

    (二)研究方法选用 2

    (三)研究工具设计 2

    二  研究结果 3

    (一)问卷调查及结果呈现 3

    (二)访谈结果及呈现 4

    (三)文本分析结果及呈现 5

    三  幼儿教师对观察记录法的使用局限 6

    (一)幼师对观察记录法的观念薄弱 6

    (二)对幼儿的连续观察时间较短,缺乏追踪记录 7

    (三)对观察对象的选择比较偏向消极 7

    (四)缺乏对幼儿行为过程的记录 7

    (五)轻视在自由游戏中观察记录幼儿 8

    (六)不能较好地分析观察记录,对教学的改进不完善 8

    四  造成幼儿教师对观察记录法使用局限的原因分析 9

    (一)幼师学历差异较大 9

    (二)幼师对自身专业成长关注度不够 9

    (三)幼儿园培训较多,忽视幼师的消化吸收 10

    (四)幼儿园的“软”、“硬”环境有待改进 10

    五  提高幼儿教师使用观察记录法效果的建议

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