


     The Influence of Parental Rearing Pattern on the Self Delay of 4-5 Years Old Children


    Self delayed gratification is the core component of the self-control ability structure, which has a positive effect on children's personality, sociality, intelligence and so on. 4-5 years of age is an important period of the formation of children's personality, parental rearing patterns play a key role in the development of children's personality. In this paper, we first understand the parents' parenting style by questionnaire, and then study the relationship between parental rearing patterns and the delay time and strategy of 4-5 years old children. In this study, we found that 4-5 year old children's delay time is longer, but using the delay strategy fewer types and lower levels, most used is seeking strategies; parents more democratic, children's delay time is long, using the delay strategy level of the higher; parents increasingly authoritarian, children's delay time is short, using delay strategy level is low. Puts forward corresponding educational suggestions: parental rearing patterns should be to democracy, the children as independent inpiduals, respect for children's opinion, parents should encourage children to bold exploration and creation, the improved ability to frustration, explore more postponement strategy, thus extending the waiting time; their cooperation, parental rearing style and teachers' education concept. 

    Key Words: 4-5 years old children;  delay of gratification;  parenting style;  strategy delay;   time delay 

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一、引言 1

    二、研究设计 2

    (一)研究假设 2

      1.4-5岁幼儿延迟时间时间与性别有关 2

      2.4-5岁幼儿延迟时间与专制型父母教养方式存在负相关 2

      3.4-5岁幼儿延迟策略与父母教养方式有紧密的联系 2

    (二)研究方法 2

      1.问卷设计 3

      2.实验设计 3

      3.情境观察设计 4

    三、研究结果与分析 5

    (一)问卷统计与分析 5


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