


    The Problems and Countermeasures of Primary Class Children's Dining

    -- A Case Study of a Kindergarten in Jiangyin City


    Kindergarten dining activities as a child in a collective activity in the park is not only meet the physiological needs of the healthy development of young children, or to cultivate children's good eating habits, the development of children's autonomy, improve the service to self ability, the good opportunity. However, children in the meal, the pick partial eclipse, inattention, self service capacity to be improved the value of dining activities can not be fully realized, and now some teachers treat children dining problem holds a negative attitude, neglect of the child as the core. 3-4 years of age is a good habit and routine for children to develop an important period of time, so this paper to A kindergarten children as the research object, to explore the causes of the problem and the corresponding countermeasures, so that children's meal activities to produce its original value. 

    Key Words: primary children;  dining problem;  pick partial eclipse;  meal attention;  self service ability

     目  录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    一、问题的提出 1

    (一)进餐活动概述 1

    (二)进餐活动现状 1

    二、研究方法 2

    (一)问卷调查法 2

    (二)轶事记录观察法 2

    (三)访谈记录法 2

    三、进餐中问题及原因分析 3

    (一) 挑偏食 3

      1.挑偏食问题概述 3

      2.挑偏食问题原因分析 4

    (二)注意力分散 6

      1.注意力分散问题概述 6

      2.注意力分散问题原因分析 7

    (三)自我服务能力有待提高 9

      1.自我服务能力概述 9

      2.自我服务能力较弱的原因分析 9

    四、进餐问题改善策略 10

    (一) 挑偏食问题的改善策略 10

      1.从膳食入手,增强膳食吸引力 10


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