毕业论文关键词:创业意向 风险感知 感知合意性 感知可行性
Research on the impact mechanism of college students' entrepreneurial intention
This paper mainly studies the impact of risk perception on entrepreneurial intention of college students. In addition, introducing perceived desirability and perceived feasibility act as the mediating variables to explore the two whether play a mediating role in the relationship of risk perception and college students' entrepreneurial intention. This study adopts the method of empirical research. We distributed 380 questionnaires and took back 357 of them. Valid questionnaires are 347. The results of the analysis found: (1) Risk perception and entrepreneurial intention of college students has significant negative correlation relationship. (2) Perceived desirability and entrepreneurial intention of college students has significant positive correlation relationship. (3) Perceived feasibility and entrepreneurial intention of college students has significant positive correlation relationship. (4) Risk perception and college students' perceived desirability has significant negative correlation relationship. (5) Risk perception and college students' perceived feasibility has significant negative correlation relationship. (6) Perceived desirability and feasibility plays a mediating role completely in the relationship of risk perception and college students' entrepreneurial intention.
This paper has 5 pictures, 7 tables and 24 references.
Key Words: Entrepreneurial intention Risk perception Perceived desirability Perceived feasibility
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
1 文献综述 1
1.1 创业意向研究综述 1
1.2 创业意向理论模型研究综述 2
1.3 风险感知研究综述 3
2 问题提出 4
2.1 研究背景和意义 4
2.2 研究目的和流程 6
2.3 研究的创新性 6
2.4 问题提出与研究模型 7
2.5 研究假设 7
3 研究方法 8
3.1 研究对象 8
3.2 研究工具 8
4 结果分析 9
4.1 大学生创业意向的特点分析 10
4.2 大学生风险感知、感知合意性、感知可行性和创业意向四者的相关分析