摘要影响我国证劵市场股票收益率的因素越来越多,从宏观经济到行业状况再到企业自身管理。本论文选用2013年主板市场交易较稳定的300只股票作为样本,通过cross section数据分析、回归分析与实证研究,探讨市场信息(知情交易概率PIN)、股票流动性(用换手率表示)对股票收益的影响。验证提出的两个假设:知情交易概率(PIN)越高,要求的股票收益率越高;换手率越高,流动性越高,该股票的预期收益将越低。研究表明,分析的结果与第一个假设相悖,与第二个假设也相悖,即所得结果与理论有出入,最后对这一结果进行了详细分析,发现在研究过程中出现的问题与改善之处并为我国的股票市场提供合理的意见。19174
关键词 主板市场 超额收益率 知情交易概率(PIN) 换手率 三因子
Title The influence of excess earnings information of the stock trading on main market
There are lots of actors affecting stock returns in the securities market of our country , from the macro economy management to industry status and enterprise itself.This paper selects relatively stable 300 stocks on the main market in 2013 as sample, through cross section data analysis, regression analysis and empirical research, explore market information probability of informed trading (PIN), stock liquidity in (with) the impact on the stock returns. Verify the proposed two hypotheses: the higher the probability of informed trading (PIN), the higher requirements of stock yield; The higher the turnover rate, the higher the liquidity, the expected return of the stock will be lower. Study shows that the analysis results of contrary to the first hypothesis, conflicts with the second assumption is that the difference in the results and the theoretical and finally the results are analyzed in detail, found the problems in the process of research and improvements and provide reasonable Suggestions for our country's stock market.
Keywords Main market Excess yields Probability of informed trading Turnover rate Three factors 毕业论文外文摘要
目 次
1 引言 1
2 文献综述 2
2.1 PIN的相关研究 2
2.2 流动性指标——换手率 4
3 研究设计 6
3.1 假设 6
3.2 样本选择及数据来源 5
3.3 变量选择及其度量 7
3.3.1 股票流动性的度量指标的处理方法 7
3.3.2 PIN的处理方法 7
3.3.3 三因子的处理法 11
3.4 模型设定 11
3.5 研究方法 11
4 实证分析 12
4.1 模型的回归 12
4.2 回归结果分析 12
结论 14
致谢 16 参考文献 17
1 引言