关键词 中越合作 旅游服务贸易 建议 毕业论文外文摘要
Title Analysis of tourism service trade cooperation between China and Vietnam
With the development of the economic system, the share of trade services in social economic activities is progressively increasing. Among them, the development of tourism service trade is the fastest,which has outstanding characteristics of large scale, quick, good returns, less investment. Thereby, tourism service trade cooperation has a significant strategic for bilateral political politics, economy, and cultural exchange. This paper analyzed the development of tourism service trade cooperation of two countries, and found there exist serious difficulties and problems restricting the development of tourism service trade cooperation,including an unstable national relationship,regional tourism cooperation limitations,lack of competition, etc. Faced with these problems, the paper also present some reasonable proposals like adjusting relative rules, perfecting tourism facilities, expanding the scope of tourism cooperation, strengthening propaganda, and taking advantage of CAFTA to promote the tourism service trade cooperation between China and Vietnam.
Keywords Sino-Vietnamese cooperation tourism service trade proposal
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 学者研究现状 1
1.3 本文研究的主要思路和方法 2
2 中越旅游服务贸易的合作状况 3
2.1 加入东盟前双边旅游服务贸易合作状况 3
2.2 中国-东盟自贸区成立后中越间旅游服务贸易进出口状况 5
3 中越两国发展旅游服务贸易合作的基础及优势 6
3.1 中越历史和地缘优势 6
3.2 两国政府对旅游服务贸易合作的支持 7
3.3 两国丰富的旅游资源 8
3.4 不断发展的交通运输优势 9
3.5 中国-东盟自由贸易区建设带来新机遇 10
4 中越旅游服务贸易合作发展面临的挑战 11
4.1 政治因素带来的困扰 11
4.2 中越旅游合作的区域局限 12
4.3 两国旅游业竞争综合实力有待提高 12
5 推进中越旅游服务贸易合作的建议 16
5.1 调整相关制度和法规 16
5.2 合力建设旅游软件和硬件设施 16
5.3 扩大旅游合作的区域范围 18
5.4 加大旅游服务产业宣传力度 18