摘要物质生活的不断丰富,使人们不仅追求物品的实用性,更加追求物品给自己带来的精神的愉悦以及 更加追求对于生活的享受。随着经济不断发展,中国逐渐成为奢侈品消费大国。中国巨大的消费市场吸 引了许多奢侈品入驻中国。各种琳琅满目的奢侈品中,我们可以说出法国的香水,德国的汽车,却说不 出一个中国自己的品牌。中国本土奢侈品品牌的空缺致使国内消费者到国外购买奢侈品,大量消费额外 流,而不能纳入我国 GDP。但如果中国有本土奢侈品,留住这部分巨大的消费额,无疑将会对我国 GDP 增长做出很大的贡献。本论文旨在分析中国目前的奢侈品消费现状,并由此对今后打造中国本土的奢侈 品品牌提出了一些针对性的意见和建议。88050
除引言和总结,本论文共包含五部分。第一部分从中国的奢侈品消费现状和消费动机两方面入手, 分析中国奢侈品市场的消费现状。第二部分着重分析了中国奢侈品市场的消费经济基础。第三部分,本 论文论述了中国缺乏本土奢侈品的原因。第四部分,阐述了中国发展本土奢侈品品牌所面临的机遇与挑 战。第五部分,本论文通过对中国奢侈品消费现状分析,以及中国本土奢侈品品牌分析,为将来中国发 展本土奢侈品品牌提出了一些意见和建议。
As the development of physical of our life ,making us not only just satisfied by the literal function of the product, but also purchase more than that, we want that product bring us satisfaction psychologically also and also we want to improve the quality of our life。 With the development of economics, China gradually becomes one of the biggest luxury consuming countries, the huge and potential consumer market attracting lots of luxury brand enter to China。 But as we can see, among all these famous brands, we can easily tell the perfume of France, the car of Germany, but it is hard for us to tell even one international luxury brand of Our Chinese own, thus how to build our own international luxury brand is still remaining a gap nowadays。 If China has our own luxury brands, we can keep that giant part of expenditures, it will definitely dedicated to the development of our GDP。 This thesis aims at analyzing current situation of Chinese luxury consumption, and trying to come up with some advices and suggestions。
Except for an introduction and a conclusion, this thesis contains five parts。 First part analyzes Chinese luxury market from three aspects: market situation, consumer groups and consumptionmotivations。 The second part mainly analyzes economical foundation of Chinese luxury market。 The third part illustrates the phenomenon and the reasons of lacking of our own luxury brands。 The fourth part states the advances of having Chinese own luxury brands, and explains the opportunity and challenge of their developing procedure。 The fifth part, through the analysis of Chinese current luxury consumption and existed brand, gives some advices and suggestions for their future development。源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
毕业论文关键词:奢侈品; 品牌战略; 产品印象;挑战与策略
Keyword: luxury product; brand strategy; product image; challenges and resolutions
1 引言 5
1。1 奢侈品的定义 5
1。2 奢侈品的特点 5
1。3 发展本土奢侈品给我国带来的影响 6
2 中国奢侈品市场的消费现状和动机分析 7
2。1 中国奢侈品消费现状 7
2。2 中国的奢侈品消费动机分析