摘 要:金融扶贫是解决贫困问题的重要措施之一。金融扶贫的对象应该是一些生活水平低下并且具有发展意愿的经济薄弱村、低收入农户。在我国,扶贫的工作开展以来,不少地区的经济水平有了一定的提高,但是在开展工作的过程中仍然会遇到一些问题,导致金融扶贫的功能没有完全发挥。本文通过对淮安市贫困地区的扶贫工作开展以来获得的成效和遇到的问题进行了研究,根据金融扶贫工作机制中存在的信贷风险大从而提出准确落实帮扶方案、根据金融扶贫存在的模式单一以及信贷政策不完善而提出实行金融扶贫模式的有效创新、不断调整和完善信贷政策,并且在金融扶贫缺乏监管的问题中提出确保扶贫资金能够真正为贫困农户使用等相关对策,以期望能够构建有效的农村金融扶贫体系。93638
毕业论文关键词:贫困 金融扶贫 问题 对策
Abstract:Financial poverty alleviation is one of the important measures to solve the povrety problems。 The objects of financial poverty alleviation should be some weak villages and low-income farmers with a low standard of living and the intention of development。 In our country, the economy of many areas have improved and poverty also eased since the work of poverty alleviation,but in the process of work is still going to have some problems, leading to failed to give full play to the function of financial poverty alleviation。This paper through the study on poverty alleviation in poor areas of Huaian city since the work carried out the achievements and problems, according to the existing financial mechanism for poverty alleviation in the credit risk and puts forward the implement assistance scheme, according to the accurate model of a single financial poverty exists and credit policy is not perfect and put forward the effective implementation of the mode of financial innovation, poverty alleviation time adjust and improve the credit policy, and in the financial poverty alleviation and lack of supervision issues proposed to ensure poverty alleviation funds for poor farmers can really use other related measures, expecting to be able to build an effective rural financial poverty alleviation system。
Keywords:poor financial poverty alleviation problems solutions
1。 引言 3
2。 淮安市农村扶贫攻坚概况 3
2。1 淮安市扶贫开发现状 3
2。2 2016年淮安市扶贫攻坚成效 3
3。 金融扶贫理论概述 6
3。1 金融扶贫理论 6
3。2 普惠金融理论 6
3。3 国际金融扶贫经验 6
4。 淮安市农村金融扶贫做法 7
4。1 提供资源扶持 7
4。2 提供信贷扶持 7
4。3 提供政策扶持 7
5。 淮安市农村金融扶贫存在的问题 8
5。1 信贷风险大,帮扶方案难以落实 8
5。2 缺乏扶贫资源,品种结构单一 8
5。3 信贷规模小,源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766 政策尚不完善 8
5。4 金融监管机制存在不足 9
6。 淮安金融扶贫对策建议