Research on personal financial management model of Internet Banking
The rapid development of Internet finance has shaken the status of the traditional financial industry,The development of China's economy keeps people's wealth accumulating.People are no longer satisfied with bank savings, hoping to use the Internet to choose more financial management model. This paper introduces the process of Internet financial development, and analyzes the financial needs of the residents.On this basis, it introduces the new types of personal financial management model in China,And compare the personal internet financial management model with the traditional financial management model,summed up the new features of Internet financing.This paper focuses on the problems and challenges of personal finance in the Internet, and puts forward some solutions to these problems,Some Suggestions are put forward for further development of the personal finance model of the Internet.
Keywords:Internet Finance; personal finance; regulation; model inquiry
目 录
0引言 1
1互联网金融下个人理财发展进程 1
1.1互联网金融的发展进程 1
1.2互联网金融的三大类别 2
2互联网金融个人理财需求分析 2
2.1居民可支配收入增加 2
2.2青年一代成为互联网活跃用户 3
2.3银行进入“负利率”时代 3
2.4中小企业借贷困难 3
2.5技术的进步 4
3互联网下的个人理财模式种类 4
3.1P2P网贷理财模式 4
3.2互联网平台类理财模式 5
3.3银行与基金的网上直销理财模式 6
3.4众筹平台理财模式 6
4互联网金融理财模式与传统金融模式的比较 7
4.1互联网理财模式的新特点 7
4.2互联网金融个人理财模式与传统金融个人理财模式的比较 9
4.3互联网下的个人理财发展趋势 11
5互联网下的个人理财模式面临的挑战和问题 12
5.1缺乏法律的监管与保障 12
5.2技术方面面临瓶颈 12
5.3双方信用信息缺失 12
5.4同业竞争挑战 13