摘要P2P(peer to peer或personal to personal)网络借贷是将小额借贷和互联网这两个元素相融合的新型借贷方式,作为一种新型的融资渠道同时也是一种新型的理财途径,P2P网络借贷为许多中小企业以及个人提供了高效快捷的借贷便利,也让当今时代人们的理财方式更加多元化。自从2005年首家P2P网络借贷平台在英国问世以来,P2P网络借贷成为小额借贷市场和理财市场的一匹黑马,以不可思议的速度迅猛发展,无论是在国内还是国外,P2P网络借贷都已成为金融市场不可忽视的生力军。近几年,P2P网络借贷平台的数量和交易规模都呈现出爆炸性的增长,甚至达到能与传统金融机构向抗衡的惊人水平。但是在表面的繁荣底下,却隐藏着许多暗流。法律的空白,监管的缺失、信用评级体系的不完善、资金管理的漏洞以及行业自律的不到位等问题让P2P网络借贷平台因经营不善破产倒闭或者卷款跑路等现象层出不穷,P2P网络借贷行业要想做到良好可持续发展,必须制定出解决目前所存在问题的相应解决方案。45193
本文在篇章之始介绍了P2P网络借贷的相关背景和研究意义。在正文先是介绍P2P网络借贷目前的概况和主要特点,然后分析了目前国内和国外的三种P2P网络借贷模式:公益型、复合中介型、纯中介型。通过上文对P2P网络借贷的相关介绍后续重点指出目前P2P网络借贷发展存在的问题,最后针对存在的问题具体提出了完善法律和监管、加强信用体系建设、组织行业自律、制定市场准入和退出制度等解决对策。 毕业论文关键词:P2P网络借贷; 发展问题; 解决对策
P2P (peer to peer or personal to personal) is a new form of credit lending,which combines Micro-loans and Internet.As a new financing channel ,P2P gives small and medium sized enterprises and persons an effcient and convenient way to get loans,and makes the financial way more persified.Since the first P2P platform appeared in London in 2005,it has developed rapidly as a dark horse in financial market.No matter inthe domestic or abroad,P2P has become an important part in financial market.The number and scale of P2P platform has exploded in recent years,even that it can compete with large financial company.But beneath the prosper,there are lots of problems.Many P2P platforms went bankruptcy or fled because of lack of laws and supervisions and the loopholes of credict rating and money management.If P2P will develop well,we must make measures to solve the present problems.
In this paper, in the beginning of chapter introduced the backgroundand significance of the research of P2P network lending. The text firstly introduces the main features and present situation of the P2P, and then analyzes three P2P patterns in the domestic and abroad: public welfare type, compound type, pure intermediary type. Through the introduction P2P, in view of the existing problems ,this text concretely is written down the measures including improving legislation and supervision, strengthening the construction of credit system, organizationing self-discipline, developping the market access and exit system.
Key words: P2P; The problem of development; Measures
目 录
摘 要Ⅰ
㈠ 研究背景1
㈡ 选题意义2
㈢ 文献综述2
㈠ 平台数量众多,但良莠不齐4
㈡ 成交量巨大,平台规模和地区差别明显4
㈢ 平台的利率水平下降,但仍未回归理性水平4
㈣ 项目期限大多为半年以内,但有上升趋势5
㈤ 投资者数量平稳增长5
㈠ 对借款人的意义5
㈡ 对出借人的意义6