毕业论文关键词 电子商务 税收 政府 政策
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Government tax policy research and regulation mechanism of e-commerce development
In recent years, China's e-commerce has maintained a rapid growth momentum. With all aspects of environment and conditions for the continuous improvement of the online shopping market in the next few years will maintain a sustained growth. With the rapid development of e-business, e-commerce tax administration is increasingly becoming an important issue can not be ignored. Currently, the country still lacks an effective e-commerce tax collection measures, resulting in a considerable loss of tax revenue. To solve this problem, governments are committed to finding effective tax means. This article will focus on Chinese e-commerce taxation situation and existing problems, we respect the functions of government, policy and legal aspects of the development direction of e-commerce taxation. And feasible suggestions....
Keywords E-commerce Taxation Government Policy
目录 4
1 引言 7
2 电子商务与电子商务税收 9
2.1 电子商务的基本概念 9
2.2 我国电子商务税收的现状 9
3 我国政府在电子商务发展中扮演的角色 12
4 电子商务征税中存在的问题 14
4.1 现有税法对电子商务的税收要素难以确定 14
4.2 电子商务收税环节难于监控 15
4.3 税务机构无法适应电子商务税收 16
4.5 现行税法无法定义因电子商务导致商品性质改变的交易 17
5 电子商务中相关问题的解决条件和策略 19
5.1 解决条件 19
5.1.1 尽快建立适应电子商务的征收管理方法 19
5.1.2 坚持税收中性和效率原则相结合,适当给予电子商务税收优惠政策 19
5.1.3 积极参与国际对话,加强税收协调合作 19
5.1.4 统一税收管辖权,实行单一的居民管辖权 20
5.1.5 完善举证责任制度,发挥第三方监督作用 20
5.2 解决对策 21
5.2.1 建立专门的电子商务税务登记制度 21
5.2.2 建立电子商务税收代扣代缴制度 21
5.2.3 进一步加大税收征管科研投入力度