摘要:投资银行是一类于商业银行对应的进行证券发行、风险投资等业务的非银行金融机构。美国称之为投资银行,在我国虽然没有实际意义上的投资银行,但是我国的一部分商业银行的投资银行部与证券公司实行着投资银行的职能。为我国经济发展起到了至关重要的作用。2006年 中国实行WTO协定,完全的打开市场,大量的金融组织纷纷进入中国,国内的投资银行和许多国外投资银行抢占市场份额。在没有政府干预的情况下,中国所谓的投资银行的不足必将会暴漏出来。对我国投资银行本身存在的问题进行研究,不断的寻求问题的解决对策,这样我国的投资银行才能从竞争中不断发展和完善。本篇论文针对现在我国投资银行存在的一些问题以及与国外投资银行进行对比提出建议,希望对我国投资银行未来的发展能有一定的帮助。70334
Research on the status and mode of improvement of Chinese Investment banks
Abstract: Investment bank is a kind of Non-bank financial institutions which conducts business such as securities issuance and risk investment, opposite to commercial banks. In America, it's called investment bank. But in china there is no investment bank in the actual meaning. However some investment bank pision and securities company are doing investment bank's duties, making great contribution for Chinese economy improvement. In 2006, China implemented WTO's agreement, fully opened market. After that, many financial organizations came into china, competing with Chinese investment banks. Without government's intervention, Chinese so-called investment banks' defect will definitely be exposed. Chinese investment banks can improve and be perfect by running researches targeting at its own problems and seeking measures to solve problems. This article proposes some advice targeting at issues existing in Chinese investment banks and comparison with foreign investment banks. Wish this article can be helpful for Chinese investment banks future improvement.
Key words: Investment banks, improvement situation, financial market, government supervision
目 录
一、 引言 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 1
(三)文献综述 1
二、投资银行发展现状 2
(一)国外投资银行发展的现状 2
(二)我国的投资银行的发展现状 3
三、我国的投资银行存在的问题 4
(一)投资银行在发展中存在的内部问题 4
(二)投资银行在发展中外部存在的问题 5
四、投资银行发展模式 6
(一) 国外投资银行发展模式 6
(二) 我国的投资银行发展模式 9
(三) 中外投资银行发展模式对比 10
(四)国外投资银行对我国投资银行的启示 11
五、 完善我国投资银行对于存在的问题的对策和建议 12
(一)解决投资银行在发展中存在的内部问题的对策与建议 12