毕业论文关键词: “双线模式”展会;网络技术;参展者;参观者
Research on the Development Mode of “Online and Offline” Exhibition
Abstract:With "Internet +" plan of action becomes the country's new strategy, the development of the “Online and Offline” Exhibition has been organized, and the contradiction between online and offline has been polished。 The “Online and Offline” exhibition how to better integrate physical Exhibition, Network technology in order to improve their sustainable development is a relatively prominent issue。 This paper uses documentary research analysis on the development mode of the “Online and Offline” Exhibition , conceived of the actuality and the problem of the development of the “Online and Offline” Exhibition , and ISUE’s O2O development as an example to start empirical research。 The research result put forward relevant suggestions and
countermeasures。 The author hopes that this study can have a certain reference value and significance to the future development mode of the “Online and Offline” Exhibition。
This paper is pided to seven parts。 The first part is exordium; the second part summarize related knowledge of the“Online and Offline” Exhibition ; the third part analyses the development status of the “Online and Offline” Exhibition ; the fourth part analyses that Network technology facilitate the development of the online exhibition ; the fifth part takes ISUE’s O2O development as an example to start empirical research ; the sixth part puts forward the countermeasures and Suggestions to the development of the “Online and Offline” Exhibition ; the seventh part is conclusion and future research。
Keywords: “Online and Offline” Exhibition ; Network Technique;Exhibitors; Exhibition Visitors
一 、绪论 1
(一) 研究背景 1
(二) 研究目的 1
(三) 研究意义 2
1、 理论意义 2
2、 实践意义 2
二、双线模式展会的相关知识 3
(一) 会展的概念 3
(二) 线上展览会的概念