毕业论文关键词:Android 网络音频
Design and implementation of Android network audio
Abstract The research content of this article is based on the design and implementation of Android network audio software.The feasibility of the software is determined on the basis of the full understanding and analyzing of the Android platform as well as the development prospects of network audio.From the point of software development ,the system determines to using Java language written in eclipse environment. On the premise of fully considering the software requirements and the use of radio broadcast,there are four functions are designed: audio control ,audio collection, audio recording and sliding menu. Also a simple and easy operation interface is designed too. The four functions are pided into a number of key structures after The overall design . At the core technology of the analysis of network streaming, system will cooperate with Vitamio framework to analyze address which provided by the Internet audio broadcast in order to achieve the purpose of using mobile phones to listen to the audio.
Keywords: Android Network streaming
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
图清单 V
表清单 V
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2课题研究意义 1
1.3本文研究内容及主要贡献 2
1.4本文的结构 2
第2章 系统运行需要的软件和硬件环境 3
2.1 jdk安装+java环境配置 3
2.2 eclipse安装+ADT配置 5
2.3 Android平台项目的创建过程 6
2.4本章小结 6
第3章 需求分析 8
3.1 需求分析 8
3.2 本章小结 10
第4章 总体设计 11
4.1系统中各个结构的划分 11
4.2系统各个结构的具体描述 11
4.3系统其他关键设计 12
4.4本章小结 13
第5章 关键技术 14
5.1 流媒体传输协议的解析 14
5.2线程异步与低耦合设计 16
5.3本章小结 16
第6章 详细设计与代码实现 17