摘 要:经济的快速发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,人们消费的方面越来越多,使资金的高效管理越来越重要,这就给金融理财的发展带来了巨大的动力,而基于安卓的理财系统便应运而生。基于安卓的理财系统是在eclipse环境下,以java为开发工具的应用系统。该系统实现了用户的注册和登录,实现了支出,收入,便签的添加,修改和删除功能,实现了收入类别,支出类别和金额的报表的显示。本文首先阐述了课题的背景和Android开发技术,接着对系统的需求进行分析并完成数据库的设计,详细介绍了系统的主要功能模块及实现方法,最后完成了系统的测试与调试。79946
毕业论文关 键 词:理财管理,Java,安卓
Abstract: With the rapid development of the economic。The living standards of people are constantly improving。The pursuit of consumer are more and more。Efficient management of funds is becoming more and more important。So the development of financial management has brought great power。And based on Android's financial system is one of the products。The Android's financial system based on the android was developed in the environment of eclipse, and it is compiled with the language of java。The system implements the user's registration and login, has the functions of adding expenditure, income and notes,has the functions of modifying expenditure, income and notes,has the functions of deleting expenditure, income and notes。The system achieves the income category, the category of expenditure and the amount of the report shows。The paper firstly introduces the background of the project and skills of android development。After that,it explains the analysis of demands and accomplishment the design of database。It presents the main module functions and implementation methods in detail。Finally,the paper completes test and debugging of the system。
Keywords :financial management,java ,android
目 录
1 绪论 5
1。1 课题背景 5
1。2 理财系统的研究意义 5
1。3 文章组织结构 5
2 开发环境和Android有关技术 5
2。1 开发环境介绍 6
2。2 Android简介 6
3 需求分析 6
3。1 软件需求分析 7
3。2 客户端需求分析 7
3。3 系统的可行性分析 7
4 数据库设计 7
4。1 数据库概念设计 7
4。2 E-R图: 9
4。3 数据库逻辑设计 10
5 理财系统的概要设计与详细设计 11
5。1 系统概要设计和结构功能图 11
5。2 用户注册功能实现 12
5。3 用户登录功能实现 15
5。4 主界面的设计与实现 16
5。5 收入支出的明细与增删改 17
5。6 便签的增删改 19
5。7 信息修改 21
5。8 报表