本项目的研究为交叉带式分拣机的研究开发提供了坚实的理论基础,具有重要的参考价值。21939 毕业论文关键词:交叉带式分拣机;自动分拣;物流
Designing of cross belt sorters identifying and transferring the mail system
Abstract: in this paper, the current condition of automated sorting in logistics industry was analyzed systematically.And the paper systematically describes the general precept of cross-belt sorter which has high technology.
As the core technology of the cross—belt sorter,induction system and intelligent carriers are described detailedly through theoretical and experimental analysis in the paper.After studying the theory of carrier's movement,the interrelation between induction system and carriers was analyzed theoretically and formal the model.Basic theory.
Through the detailed theory analyzes,some existed difficult problems in the research were evaluated and resolve consummated.It will be of great advantage to the process of industrialization of the cross-belt sorter.
In this paper,the studying of the cross—belt sorter establish a theoretical and firm base,and it has important referential value.
Keywords: automated sorting; cross-belt sorter logistics; emulation
1 绪论1
1.1 课题来源1
1.2 研究背景1
1.2.1 自动分拣系统的现状1
1.3 研究目标及意义3
1.3.1 研究目标3
1.3.2 课题研究意义3
2 交叉带式邮件分拣机移送识别系统结构分析4
2.1 上包系统结构方案分析4
2.1.1 邮包上包过程中信号转换5
2.1.2 上包位置、速度与上包带的协调6
2.1.3 上传邮件加速问题9
2.1.4 邮包信息与小车的衔接、跟踪11
2.2 邮包落料系统结构方案设计12
2.2.1 气缸缓冲装置12
3 交叉带式邮件分拣机设计计算13
3.1 已知原始数据及工作条件13
3.2 上包带带速控制及电机功率验算13
3.2.1 输送带初定参数(熊晏琳)13
3.2.2 上包带初定参数(廖小乐)14
3.2.3 电机设计计算15
4 交叉带式邮件分拣机识别与移送系统元件型号确定16
4.1 电机选择:直流电机17
4.1.1 型号选择18
4.2.1 型号选择20
4.3 上包带传动滚筒21
4.4 称重问题22
4.4.1 称重传感器选择24
4.5 扫描器信息传输26
4.5.1 条形码扫描器原理26
4.5.2 条形扫描器接口27
4.5.3 选用型号27
4.6 气压系统设计31
4.6.1 气压系统图31
4.6.2 气缸31
4.6.3 能源装置33
4.6.4 控制阀35
4.6.5 先导式电磁换向阀36
4.6.6 二位三通行程阀37
4.7 电气及安全保护装置39
5 致谢40
6 参考文献41
1. 绪论 随着我国物流业的发展,输送分拣系统得到了广泛的应用,而且近几年自动分拣技术在物流系统规划和方案设计的地位和作用也越来越重要,自动分拣系统是集机电信息技术于一体的系统设备,分拣系统的内部主要涉及上包、识别同步、信息处理、高速平稳输送以及分拣送入格口等关键技术,系统中每一项技术成熟与否将直接影响分拣系统效率、差错率和可靠性等关键技术指标。