关键词 熔融石英 熔炉 加热装置 ANSYS 有限元分析
Title Design of a small type of quartz furnace heating device
Quartz glass is an important industrial raw material,however,there are still lot’s of problems along with it’s production process.Such as high energy consumption , low first quality ware.These problems severely restricts the development of quartz smelting industry and other related industries.In this paper,I used experimental way to detect some of the basic properties of quartz,and recorded the change with its forms.And on the basic of this,I detected some of relevant information to identify the most suitable materials need to manufacture quartz melting furnace.And finally ,by using solidworks to design a new type of quartz melting furnace and by using ANSYS to test its feasibility,and finally design a new type of heating apparatus quartz furnace.
Keywords fused quartz furnace heating device ANSYS finite element analysis
目 次 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 熔融石英简介 1
1.2 常用石英熔融加热方式简介 1
1.2.1 电阻加热 1
1.2.2 电弧加热 1
1.2.3 电磁感应加热 1
1.2.4 气炼法 2
1.3 近期国内外发展方向 2
1.3.1 高频等离子加热 2
1.3.2 激光熔融 2
1.3.3 组合熔融 2
2 熔融石英温度特性研究 4
2.1 原料 4
2.2 实验设备 4
2.2.1 小型石英破碎机 4
2.2.2 磨粉机 4
2.2.3 振筛机 5
2.2.4 加热炉 5
2.2.5 真空泵 7
2.2.6 红外线测温仪 8
2.2.7 储气钢瓶 8
2.2.8 浮子流量计 8
2.2.9 冷却水箱 9
2.3 石英相关温度特性实验 9
2.3.1 酸洗石英石 9
2.3.2 将石英石破碎、研磨成粉并筛选出来 10
2.3.3 加热石英粉,烧制石英 10
3 石英熔融炉加热装置设计 13
3.1 热源设计 13
3.1.1 加热方式选择 13
3.1.2 三段式加热 14
3.1.3 电极材料选取 14
3.2 坩埚的选择 15
3.3 导热材料的选择 15
3.4 耐火材料的选择 16
3.4.1 耐火材料的选择应满足以下基本原则 16
3.4.2 耐火材料的分类 16
3.5 保温材料的选择 18
3.5.1 选择保温材料的原则 18