Design of New Drilling Force Measurement System and Its Auxiliary Mechanism
Abstract:Piezoelectric drilling dynamometer system is the most basic means of drilling process, not only conducive to the calculation of power loss, drilling mechanism, optimization of tool geometry and cutting parameters, is more important in the process of modern processing, real-time monitoring, timely reflect the damage condition of grinding tool, and machine tool cutting state caused by the fault, flutter, in order to control the cutting process, improve cutting efficiency and reduce scrap products。 With the rapid development of science and technology, the cutting force measurement system has more stringent requirements。 In this paper, a new type of drilling force measuring system is designed based on the piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric crystal。 The principle of piezoelectric effect and the physical meaning of piezoelectric constant are discussed。 This paper analyzes the relationship between the piezoelectric sensor and the force to be measured, studies the measuring principle, designs the layout scheme of the piezoelectric
wafer, and designs the whole structure of the force measuring instrument。 Applied to the measurement of the normal force, tangential force and torque, making full use of the characteristics of piezoelectric sensor, from the actual situation, combined with the theoretical basis, design of high sensitivity and simple structure, less components of drilling force measuring system。
Key words : drilling, force measurement system, piezoelectric effect, sensitivity
目 录
1 绪论 1
1。1课题来源及意义 1
1。2课题研究背景 1
1。2。1压电测力仪的发展 1
1。2。2主要的切削测力仪类型 2
2压电测力仪测量原理 6
2。1压电效应及其常数的物理意义 6
2。2测量原理 8
2。2。1轴向力测量原理 8
2。2。2切向力测量原理 9
2。2。3扭矩测量原理 10
3 传感器的设计 13
3。1压电晶片的外形设计 13