摘要升降装置是安放在桩腿与平台主体之间的海洋平台的核心部分。它由三个升降单元 通过齿条传动来实现平台主体的上下移动。目前国内外均采用齿轮齿条式的升降系统, 该系统结构稳定,传动效率高,升降速度快。本文针对国内海洋平台现状,参考各方面 资料,设计以“一轴输入带两轴输出”为传递方式的升降装置结构,该结构以行星轮系 为核心减速机构。83295
首先,设计出整个减速机构的构成,以一个三级减速箱、中间减速机构和行星轮系 作为一个升降单元,其中着重于行星轮系的结构设计,选用行星轮系的输入输出方式, 齿轮型号个数等。
其次,分析差动轮系的可行性,有受力分析、功率的计算以及最终输出速度是否满 足要求。查阅资料根据实际情况选取计算得到各个齿轮、轴、轴承的参数,然后依次校 核。
最后,根据所得参数利用 SoildWorks 画出一个个零件的单件模型,然后相互配合 装配,完成最终的减速结构三维模型,再利用 AutoCAD 画出装配图、零件图标注上尺寸 技术要求。
Abstract Lifting device is the core part of the offshore platform which is placed between the legs and the platform main body。The upper and the lower mobile of the main body of the platform are realized by the three lifting units through a rack drive。At present, the gear rack type lifting system is adopted at home and abroad, the structure of the system is stable, the transmission efficiency is high, and the lifting speed is fast。This paper aiming at the current situation of the domestic offshore platform, reference the data, designed to "an input shaft with two axis output" to transfer the lifting device structure and the structure of planetary gear train is the core of the speed reducing mechanism。
In the first place, the design the reduction mechanism of formation, with a triple gear box, intermediate reduction mechanism and planetary gear train as a lifting unit, especially in the structural design of the planetary gear train, choose planetary gear system input and output, gear model number。
Secondly, the analysis of the feasibility of the differential gear train, by whether or not to meet the requirements of the force analysis, the calculation of power and final output speed。 According to the actual situation of access to data, we select the parameters of each gear, shaft, bearing, and then check it。
Finally, according to the parameters obtained using SoildWorks draw one part of a single model, and then with the assembly, to complete the final deceleration structure of the three-dimensional model, then make use of the AutoCAD to draw the assembly drawing, part icon note size technology requirements。
Key Words: Rack and pinion;Lifting device;3D modeling;Strength check ;Planetary gear train
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 课题背景与研究意义 1
1。2 国内外研究现状 1
1。3 本文的主要研究工作 2
第二章 自升式海洋平台升降装置总体方案设计研究 4
2。1 简述要求 4
2。2 系统结构的设计 4
第三章 升降单元的结构设计 6
3。1 初级减速箱的设计 6
3。2 中间减速传动机构 7
3。3 行星轮系的结构设计 7