    摘要:由于人口老龄化问题的严重化,经过不断的改革和创新,我国形成了目前多层次的养老保障体系。然而,目前我国以企业为主体的养老金会计在理论研究和实务操作方面都存在缺陷,主要体现在:不应将基本养老保险费用和补充养老保险费用合并进行会计处理;基本养老保险费用不应该采取既定缴费计划的会计核算方法;补充养老保险费用的披露要求未规定。因此,有必要在借鉴国外成熟的养老金会计核算经验之上,结合我国的实际情况,对我国的企业养老金会计提出改进建议。  21278
    Financial Analysis of Solvency
    Abstract:Nothing becomes more and more serious, China has built the mode of institution about pension of three levels after a series of reform and innovation. However,the enterprise pension accounting in our country still has a many of drawback in the area of both academic exploration and application.For instance,it is wrong to apply the same approach to treat both basic pension and supplementary industrial pension;basic pension should not be regarded as DC plan;and there is no enough requirement about disclosure of supplementary industrial pension.So,it is important to learn some excellent experiences of other countries and to give some advisement in how to improve the accounting treatment of enterprise pension plans in our country.  Now,China is short of accountant and actuary highly educated,the enterprise annuity market of small and middle enterprises develops slowly.They are all the obstruction in the development of enterprise pension accountting.Nevertheless,if these problems were be settled we will have a new method in pension accounting:in the basic pension part,it will design the pension accounting model with Chinese characteristics,regarding the basic pension as DB plan;in the supplementary pension part,it will consider the supplementary pension as DC plan and emphasize the disclosure.
    Key words: basic pension; lementary pension; pension plan; pension accounting
    目  录
    (一)养老金的概念    2
    (五)养老金会计的核算原则 4
     (三) 养老金会计核算应采用权责发生制原则11
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