    毕业论文关键词:    信息管理系统;系统开发 ;商品销售
    Sales Management System
    Abstract:     As our society entering the information age, people put forward new requirements in buying goods. In this case, merchandise sales management system was born and developed gradually; it has become the indispensable part in our commodity transaction. Merchandise sales management system is a typical information management system (MIS), its development mainly includes two aspects: the establishment and maintenance of backstage database and development of applications. For the former requirement to establish database with consistency, integrality and good security data, however, for the latter, requests applications with complete function, simple operation, etc.
    The development of a commodity sales management system is on the basis of the analysis of the problems existing in current commodity management, combining the concept of information management system development, structure and basic principle and method of system development. The system's test performance is relatively stable, easy to operate, which includes the purchase management, sales management, inventory management and system maintenance management module, which can provide convenient sales management function for most enterprises, and make the operation more quick and convenient.
    Keywords:    Information Management System; System Development; Commodity sales
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    信息管理系统简介    1
    1.2    本课题研究的意义    1
    1.3    系统研究设计的目标    2
    2    研究分析    3
    2.1    需求分析    3
    2.2    现行业务介绍    3
    2.3    该企业的组织机构图    3
    2.4    可行性分析    4
    2.4.1    技术可行性    4
    2.4.2    经济可行性    4
    2.4.3    操作可行性    4
    3    系统分析    5
    3.1    系统目标    5
    3.2    系统功能结构    5
    3.3    系统业务流程图    6
    4    系统设计    8
    4.1    数据库与数据表设计    8
    4.1.1    数据库分析    8
    4.1.2    数据库概念设计    8
    4.1.3    数据库逻辑设计    11
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