    摘要:    随着经济全球化脚步的加快,并购逐渐成为企业增强自身实力、实现战略发展的重要手段。本文首先,概述并购活动的含义、种类和动因,从理论方面比较分析两种并购会计处理方法--购买法、权益结的特点和异同,再此基础上结合具体案例分析采用不同会计方法会导致的会计信息不对称和财务舞弊。最后,针对现阶段我国的实际情况,结合国际企业并购会计处理方法相关规定的经验,针对揭露的会计问题和未来发展趋势给出合理建议,从而达到优化并购会计处理和资本市场的资金配置。4886
    关键词:    并购;会计问题;权益结合法;购买法;
    Business Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Accounting
    Abstract:     With the speeding globalization, mergers and acquisitions has become one of important means for enterprises to enhance their strength and realize the strategic. First this paper Outlines the definition, types and motivations of mergers and acquisitions activity, from the comparative analysis to the theory of two kinds of merger and acquisition accounting method, characteristics and similarities and differences of the purchase method, the rights and interests, then this basis, combined with specific case analysis using different accounting methods will lead to the asymmetry of accounting information and financial fraud. Finally, aiming at the present stage our country actual situation, combined with the international merger and acquisition accounting method as prescribed by the relevant experience, aiming at reveal the accounting problems and future development trend of the reasonable advice, so as to improve the merger accounting ,as well as, the purpose of the capital market
       Keywords:    Mergers and Acquisitions; accounting issues;purchasing method; pooling of interests method;
    目录    ii
    引言    1
    一,企业并购概述    2
    1.1    企业并购的含义    2
    1.2    企业并购的分类    2
    1.3    企业并购的动因    3
    二,企业并购会计理论分析    5
    2.1企业并购会计方法概述    5
    2.2企业并购会计方法比较    6
    2.2国内外企业并购会计方法比较    7
    三,企业并购产生的会计问题    9
    3.1会计信息不对称    9
    3.1.1 会计信息不对称性的成因    9
    3.1.2 不同并购会计方法对会计信息质量的影响    10
    3.2虚构盈利粉饰财务状况    10
    3.2.1并购会计对财务状况和经营成果的影响    10
    3.2.2并购会计对财务报表和指标的影响    11
    3.3操纵利润达到避税目的    13
    3.3.1采用权益法对税务影响    13
    3.3.2采用购买法对税务影响    13
    3.4案例分析    14
    四,改进并购会计问题的建议    16
    4.1借鉴国外经验    16
    4.2对策    17
    4.3案例分析    19
    五,结论及发展趋势    21
    5.1结论    21
    5.2发展趋势    21
    致谢    23
    参考文献    24
    附录    25
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